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Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import oafReactFinalForm from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/oaf-react-final-form';


Oaf React Final Form

Build Status type-coverage Codecov Mutation testing badge

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An opinionated form library.


# yarn
yarn add oaf-react-final-form

# npm
npm install oaf-react-final-form


  // First, we define the form codec using io-ts.
  // See https://github.com/gcanti/io-ts#the-idea
  // `formCodec` is just a convenience function over the top of
  // `intersection`, `type`, `partial` and `readonly` from io-ts.
  // See https://github.com/gcanti/io-ts#mixing-required-and-optional-props
  const codec = formCodec({
    optional: {
      foo: t.string,

  // We derive React components for our form elements from the form codec. This
  // gives us some type-safety benefits when rendering these form elements (below).
  const { Form, Input, Select } = elementsForCodec(codec);

  type FormData = t.TypeOf<typeof codec>;

  const onSubmit = (formData: FormData): SubmissionResponse<FormData> => {
    // Here we are guaranteed that `formData` has been parsed by our form codec.
    // We can return submission errors here if necessary.
    return undefined;

  const form = (
    <Form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
        The `name` attr must be one of the values from the form codec.
        The `type` and `required` attrs must be compatible with the corresponding property from the form codec.
          * Because `foo` is optional in the codec, `required` must be either undefined or false.
          * Because `foo` is a string in the codec, `type` cannot be one of the numeric input types (`number` or `range`).
      <Input label="foo" name="foo" type="text" />

See Form.test.tsx for more examples.