
OpenAPI 3.x or Swagger 2.0? YAML or JSON? URL, path, string or object? Who cares! It just works.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import oasNormalize from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/oas-normalize';


OpenAPI 3.x or Swagger 2.0? YAML or JSON? URL, path, string or object? Who cares! It just works.

This module uses a bunch of other great modules to do the heavy lifting, and normalizes everything!



npm install oas-normalize --save


It's pretty simple:

const OASNormalize = require('oas-normalize');

const oas = new OASNormalize(
  // Or a string, pathname, JSON blob, whatever

oas.validate().then(definition => {
  // Definition will always be JSON, and valid.
}).catch(err => {


For validation errors, when available, you'll get back an object:

  "details": [
    // Ajv pathing errors. For example:
    /* {
      "instancePath": "/components/securitySchemes/tlsAuth",
      "schemaPath": "#/properties/securitySchemes/patternProperties/%5E%5Ba-zA-Z0-9%5C.%5C-_%5D%2B%24/oneOf",
      "keyword": "oneOf",
      "params": { "passingSchemas": null },
      "message": "must match exactly one schema in oneOf"
    }, */

message is almost always there, but path is less dependable.

Helper Functions

Note: All of these functions are promise-driven.

If you want some more functionality, you can do anything here:

Function What it does
.load() Just load the file, valid or not, as JSON
.bundle() Bring together all files into one JSON blob (but retain $ref pointers)
.deref() Resolve $ref pointers
.validate([convertToLatest?]) Validate the whole thing!

Other Little Features

Always Return OpenAPI 3.x

If you want .validate to always return an OpenAPI 3.x definition, supply true as its argument:


Enable Local Paths

For security reasons, you need to opt into allowing fetching by a local path. To enable it supply the enablePaths option to the class instance:

const oas = new OASNormalize('./petstore.json', { enablePaths: true })

Colorized errors

If you wish errors from .validate() to be styled and colorized, supply colorizeErrors: true to your instance of OASNormalize:

const oas = new OASNormalize('https://example.com/petstore.json', {
  colorizeErrors: true,

Error messages will look like such: