
ObjPool allow you to recycle or allocate objects in a pool easily.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import objPool from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/obj-pool';



ObjPool allow you to recycle or allocate objects in a pool easily. When you need an instance of your object, the pool will return you one of them, or a new instance if it's empty.


Node.js - Browserify - Webpack

npm install obj-pool
  var ObjPool = require('obj-pool');


Add obj-pool.js to your HTML and ObjPool will be added to window




  //Creating the pool of MyEntity
  var pool = new ObjPool(MyEntity);

  //getting an instance of MyEntity
  var entity = pool.alloc();
  /* do something with entity */

  //put back the entity instance in the pool

Creating an object with arguments

If your object needs some params you can use {args:[]} option as second param.

  var audioPool = new ObjPool(Audio, {args: ['./assets/audio.mp3']});

Allocating some instances

Use `{amount: N}``

  var pool = new ObjPool(MyEntity, {amount: 100});


You can use some functions to init and reset your objects.

  function MyEntity(){


  MyEntity.prototype.constructor = MyEntity;

  MyEntity.prototype.init = function(){
    //Do something to initialize me when I go out of my pool

  MyEntity.prototype.reset = function(){
    //Do something with me when I return to my pool

  var pool = new ObjPool(MyEntity);
  var entity = pool.alloc(); //This fire MyEntity.init();
  pool.free(entity); //This fire MyEntity.reset();

If you need other function's names to init and reset, you can change the value of objInitand objReset:

  var pool = new ObjPool(MyEntity);
  pool.objInit = 'initialize'; //Looks for MyEntity.initialize() instead of MyEntity.init();
  pool.objReset = 'resetMe'; //Looks for MyEntity.resetMe() instead of MyEntity.reset();



constructor(object [,options])

Pass the objects to create, and the options (Optional) with the amount and object arguments. `{args: [arg1, arg2, ...], amount: 100}'


Return an object to use it and remove it from the pool.


Put back an object into the pool to reuse it.


Create a N numbers of the object and add to the objects list.


Erase all the object from the objects list.

.length - (Read only)

Return the objects list length