
Object helper. Property array manipulation.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import objectArrayProperty from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/object-array-property';



Object helper. Property array manipulation. Creates, added items, deleted items, and more from an object property.


Install with npm:

$ npm i --save object-array-property

Usage example

import {OpAdd, OpGet, OpRemove, OpDestroy} from "object-array-property";

const test = {};

OpAdd(test, "prop", 1);
OpAdd(test, "prop", 1);
OpAdd(test, "prop", 2);
// >> {'prop':[1,2]}

OpRemove(test, "prop", 2);
// >> {'prop':[1]}

OpDestroy(test, "prop");
// >> {}

OpAdd(test, "logs", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
// >> {'logs':[1,2,3,4,5]}

const logs = OpGet(test, "logs", true);
console.log('test:', test);
console.log('logs:', logs);
// >> test: {}
// >> logs: [1,2,3,4,5]

Library components and functions

Function Description
OpTest(object, name): Boolean Checks that the object property name exists and is an array.
OpGet(object, name, destroy = false): Array Gets the name property of the object or creates an empty array and returns it.
OpDestroy(object, name): object Deletes the property name from object.
OpIncludes(object, name, value): Boolean Checks that the value is included in the array.
OpAdd(object, name, value, [value_2, ...value_n]): object Adds (pushes) the new value element(s) to the array.
OpRemove(object, name, value, [value_2, ...value_n]): object Remove all value element(s) from array.
OpLength(object, name): Number Gets array length.
OpCopy(object, name): Array Copies array.