
Expand JS objects containing deep path properties

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import objectPathExpand from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/object-path-expand';


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Expand JS objects containing deep path properties.


npm install object-path-expand --save


> var expand = require('object-path-expand')

Deep paths in object properties are expanded (using object-path):

> expand({ 'foo.bar' : 42 })
{ 'foo' : { 'bar': 42 } }
> expand({ 'foo.2.bar' : 42 })
{ 'foo': [ , , { 'bar': 42 } ] }
> expand({ 'foo.bar': 42, 'foo.quux': 23 })
{ 'foo': { 'bar': 42, 'quux': 23 } }

Expanded objects are recursively merged (using merge):

> expand({ 'foo' : { 'bar': 42 }, 'foo.quux': 23 })
{ 'foo': { 'bar': 42, 'quux': 23 } }
> expand({ 'foo.quux': 23, 'foo': { 'bar': 42 } })
{ 'foo': { 'bar': 42, 'quux': 23 } }


Since iteration order for properties of JS objects is unspecified and can differ between JS implementations, strange things might happen if two different paths refer to the same object:

> expand({ 'foo.bar': { 'quux': 42 }, 'foo': { 'bar.quux': 23 } })
// Depending on the JS engine this could result in either of these:
// { 'foo': { 'bar': { 'quux': 42 } } }
// { 'foo': { 'bar': { 'quux': 23 } } }

> expand({ 'foo': { 'bar.quux': 23 }, 'foo.bar': { 'quux': 42 } })
// Switching the order of the two properties might or might not
// yield a different result than the previous one above

Even stranger things might happen if two things cannot be sensibly merged:

> expand({ 'foo': [ 'a', 'b' ], 'foo.bar': 23 })
// Depending on the JS engine this could result in either of these:
// { 'foo': { '0': 'a', '1': 'b', 'bar': 23 } }
// { 'foo': { 'bar': 23 } }

> expand({ 'foo.bar': 23, 'foo': [ 'a', 'b' ] })
// Again, switching the order of the two properties above
// might yield a different result than it did previously

Proceed at your own peril.
