
MVCVM UI-Routing app framework with uni-directional dataflow

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import octane from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/octane';



Router.add(pattern, callback) ⇒ this

Add a route to be called when the URL changes

Kind: static method of Router
Returns: this - for method chaining
Access: public

Param Type Description
pattern regexp | string A regexp pattern that matches a route against a URL. If passed as a string, beginning and trailing slashes will be stripped before being added to the routes array.
callback function The callback to execute on a matching route, will be applied with the matched values of the route regexp

Router.atRoot ⇒ boolean

Determine if the current location is the Application's root

Kind: static property of Router
Access: public
Read only: true

Router.beforePageLoad(page(s), deferred) ⇒ this

Add a Promise that must resolve before a page (or pages) can load

Kind: static method of Router
Returns: this - for method chaining
Access: public
See: OctanePage

Param Type Description
page(s) string | array The names of pages the condition should be evaluated for
deferred function A deferred function that will be wrapped in a Promise




Remove all routes from the Router

Kind: static method of Router
Access: public


Get the current page of the Application

Kind: static property of Router
Access: public
Read only: true

Router.isLocked ⇒ boolean

Is the router locked?

Kind: static property of Router
Access: public
Read only: true

Router.lock() ⇒ string

Lock the Router

Kind: static method of Router
Returns: string - A randomly generated key to unlock the router from THIS lock. Other locks may still be in place.
Access: public

Router.mode ⇒ object

Get the mode details of the application

Kind: static property of Router
Returns: object - Returns an object with keys history, hash, and local. Values are booleans
Access: public
Read only: true

Router.onPageExit(page(s), callback, [argsArray], [thisArg]) ⇒ this

Add a callback to the array of callbacks executed when a page has animated offscreen. Callbacks are wrapped in Promises at time of execution.

Kind: static method of Router
Returns: this - for method chaining
Access: public
See: OctanePage

Param Type Description
page(s) string | array The names of pages the callback should execute for
callback function A callback to execute
[argsArray] array An array of arguments to be applied to the callback at execution
[thisArg] object The 'this' value of the callback at execution time, default is the Page object

Router.onPageLoad(page(s), callback, [argsArray], [thisArg]) ⇒ this

Add a callback to the array of callbacks executed when a page has animated onscreen. Callbacks are wrapped in Promises at time of execution.

Kind: static method of Router
Returns: this - for method chaining
Access: public
See: OctanePage

Param Type Description
page(s) string | array The names of pages the callback should execute for
callback function A callback to execute
[argsArray] array An array of arguments to be applied to the callback at execution
[thisArg] object The 'this' value of the callback at execution time, default is the Page object


// creates new Person with current values of Registrant ViewModel when page 'registrants' is loaded


Define a function to call in the event no routes exist on the specified path

Kind: static method of Router
Access: public

Router.pageLoadIf(page(s), predicate) ⇒ this

Add a predicate condition that must be true for a page(s) to load

Kind: static method of Router
Returns: this - for method chaining
Access: public
See: OctanePage

Param Type Description
page(s) string | array The names of page(s) the condition should be evaluated for
predicate function A function that should return a truthy or falsy value

Router.queue ⇒ array

Queued Pages waiting to load during a lock

Kind: static property of Router
Returns: array - the array of queued pages
Access: public
Read only: true


Remove a route from the array of saved routes

Kind: static method of Router
Access: public

Param Type Description
pattern regexp The pattern to remove


Determine hashing format and page from fragment, then use history.pushState or hashchange to set the route

Kind: static method of Router
Access: public

Param Type Description
route string Root-relative URL fragment to be mapped by Router._executeRoute

Router.routes ⇒ array

List of routes registered with the Router

Kind: static property of Router
Returns: array - the array of registered routes
Access: public
Read only: true

Router.unlock(key) ⇒ boolean

Unlock the router from a calling of Router.lock. If the Router is locked, then after X number of failed unlocked attempts in a row, the Router will lock out and the Application will need to be restarted. Number of attempts can be set at Octane.initialize via appConfig.maxConsecutiveAllowedRouterUnlockAttemps, or defaults to 10

Kind: static method of Router
Returns: boolean - false if key is invalid or more locks remain, otherwise true and loads pages queued during lock

  • Error thrown when the maximum number of consecutive failed unlocks is attempted. Router becomes permanently locked and Application will need restarted (prevent brute force unlocks)

Access: public

Param Type Description
key string The key returned from Router.lock to unlock the lock it placed. Other locks may still be in place.

Router.urlSearchObject() ⇒ object

Helper to parse URL's search string into an object

Kind: static method of Router
Returns: object - an object of search parameters
Access: public

=> {kings: 1, pawns: 5}


Update App state on URL change. Turns off polling interval if set. Octane calls this during initilization, unless overridden by appConfig.legacyRouting: true.

Kind: static method of Router
Access: public


Set fallback to use polling in case popstate/hashchange is being finicky. Drops popstate or hashchange event listeners.

Kind: static method of Router
Access: public