
flexible retry for JavaScript promises

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ohNoIInsist from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/oh-no-i-insist';


Oh, no, I insist

Build Status

Flexible retry for JavaScript promises. Supports native Promises and 3rd party A+ Promise libraries.


Install using NPM

npm install oh-no-i-insist -S



 retry(promiseGenerator, delay, maxTimes, predicate, onRetry, PromiseImplementation)
  • promiseGenerator: function that should return a Promise you want to retry. Will be invoked once per each try.
  • delay: int number of milliseconds between retries
  • maxTimes: int the number of times to retry
  • predicate: function (error) optional a function executed to check if the error is retriable. It will receive the error/rejection reason, and should return true if it is retriable. Return false to break the retry chain.
  • onRetry: function optional a function that will be executed before waiting for each retry, but not before the first try. Use this to clean up resources, tell the user that you're waiting for a retry and things like that
  • PromiseImplementation: class optional if working with an older Node.js implementation, the 3rd party Promise implementation that you want to use. If working with a more recent Node.js version and you want to use the native Promise, don't supply this argumenrt


var retry = require('oh-no-i-insist'),
  generator = function() { 
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { 
      var x = Math.random();
      if (x < 0.3) { 
      } else {
  }, shouldRetry = function (number) {
    console.log('got wrong', number);
    return number > 0.6;
  }, onRetry = function () {
    console.log('waiting for retry');

retry(generator, 100, 5, shouldRetry, onRetry).then(function (num) {
  console.log('generated', num);
}, function (err) {
  console.log('failed with', err);
