
Base for microservices around OpenAPI/Swagger

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import openapiConnect from '';


Base for microservices around OpenAPI/Swagger

  • Use Swagger 2.0 (OpenAPI in feature) specification as source of trues about all aspects of service like security/validation/routing/etc (thanks swagger-tools)
  • Support OpenID/OAuth
  • Support request logging
  • Base implementation for service health checking
  • Base graceful shutdown implementation

Almost all middleware like (OAuth/CORS/request logging/etc) can be overridden through options.

Steps to use

  • According to API first approach write OpenAPI/Swagger specification for your service and save it to something like ./api/public.yaml
  • npm i openapi-connect to install
  • Write intex.ts or index.js as
import server, { IOptions } from 'openapi-connect'

const options: IOptions = {
  basePath: env.BASE_PATH,
  port: env.PORT, 
  logger: getLogger(), // instance of logger implemented contract from loggerism package
  router: {
    controllers: './bin/controllers' // path to folder where we request handlers can be found or object like { [operationName: string]: RequestHandler }
  // in case OpenID/OAuth required
  oauth: {
    enable: true,
    url: env.OAUTH_SERVICE_URL,
    audience: env.OAUTH_AUDIENCE // optional
  swaggerUI: { enable: env.ENABLE_SWAGGER_UI } // optional

server('./api/public.yaml', options)


  • Use semantic-release
  • Add monitoring/instrumentation with OpenTracing compatibility like @risingstack/opentracing-auto or appmetrics
  • Move to GitHub and use Travis CI for better opportunity to force open source.