
Models & Query Builder for relational databases

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import oraiosQueries from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/oraios-queries';


Oraios Queries

npm npm NPM

Oraios Queries (formerly node-db-models) is a light-weighted project aims to provide class-based table representation and flexible query experience to help developers to avoid plain string queries that are error-prune.

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Oraios Queries supports postgres and mysql2 packages.


The package is consistently getting enhanced and updated. Your contributions are always welcome. Here are the functionality that are developed/being developed:

  • CRUD Ops: Insert, select, update & delete Data from Postgresql and MySQL with flexible nested WHERE conditions.
  • ORM: Create class-based models for your tables with built-in features.
  • Flexible Queries: Designed to perform flexible, nested WHERE statements, ordering and grouping.
  • Model Settings: Specify certain fields to be selectable, allow HTML tags to be stored in database for certain fields, add default values on insert and update, and more.
  • Pre-defined Query Executers: Extract data in various ways: list, select one column, first item, slicing, chunking, pagination and more.
  • Light Weighted: This package is light and can be added on APIs, web workers, .. etc.

Get Started

Install package using npm:

$ npm install --save oraios-queries

Connect to your database using pg or mysql2 package, then attach your connection with oraios-queries:

For Postgres:

const Pg = require("pg");
const { Connection, Model } = require('oraios-queries');

let pgModConn = new Pg.Pool({
        host: '',
        user: 'admin',
        database: 'sampledb',
        password: '*******',
        port: 5432

let conn = new Connection({
        connection: pgModConn,
        type: 'pg'

For MySQL:

const mysql = require('mysql2');
const { Connection, Model } = require('oraios-queries');

const mysqlConn = mysql.createPool({
        host: '',
        user: 'admin',
        password: '*****',
        database: 'sampledb',
        waitForConnections: true,
        connectionLimit: 10,
        queueLimit: 0

let conn = new Connection({
        connection: mysqlConn,
        type: 'mysql'

That's it. From now on everything will be the same across different connections.n rows in database.

Visit Documentation

Code Examples

  • Create a Model:
const { Model, Util } = require('oraios-queries');

class Post extends Model {
        tableName = 'posts';
        allowHtml = ['body'];
        selectable = ['title', 'body', 'author_id', 'created_at::date'];
        //optional, default value is 'id'
        primaryKey = 'uuid';

        //the object created above
        connection = conn;
        //optional default value setup
        defaultValue = {
                onInsert: {
                        created_at: Util.timestamp(),
                        updated_at: Util.timestamp()
                onUpdate: {
                        updated_at: Util.timestamp()
  • Inserting new row to database:
let insertedId = await post.set({title: 'blog post', body: '<p>Hello World</p>'}).insert();
  • Inserting multiple rows to database:
let insertedRows = await post.setMany([
        {title: 'blog post', body: '<p>Hello World</p>'},
        {title: 'blog post 2', body: '<p>Hello Oraios</p>'}
if(insertedRows > 0){
  • Updating certain rows in database:
let affectedRows = await post.set({title: 'another blog post'}).where(['id', '=', 25]).update();
if(affectedRows !== 0){
        //update successful
  • Deleting a row in database:
let rowDeleted = await post.where(['id', '=', 25]).delete();
if(rowDeleted !== 0){
        //delete successful
  • Find a row by id in database:
let row = await post.find(25);
  • Perform a query with joins:
let userJoinQuery = user.innerJoin(post, 'id', 'post_author').select(['user_email']);
let userEmails = await userJoinQuery.list();
  • Select query with conditions using AND & OR with grouping:
let post = new Post();
let conditions = nestedConditions = { cond: [] };

conditions.relation = 'AND';
conditions.cond.push(["created_at::date", ">", "2019-01-01" ]);
conditions.cond.push(["author_id", "=", 25 ]);

//include a nested condition
nestedConditions.relation = 'OR';
nestedConditions.cond.push(['created_at::date', ">", "2019-05-01"]);
nestedConditions.cond.push(['created_at::date', "<", "2019-10-01"]);

//add nested condition into the list of conditions
let postQuery = post.select(['created_at::date', 'count(*) as posts'])
        .orderBy([{col: 'created_at::date', order: 'desc'}]);
let postRes = await postQuery.list();

The previous statement will produce a query like this:

SELECT created_at::date, count(*) as posts 
FROM posts 
        created_at::date > "2019-01-01" AND 
        author_id, "=", 25 AND
                created_at::date > "2019-05-01" OR
                created_at::date < "2019-10-01"
GROUP BY created_at::date 
ORDER BY created_at::date desc;

Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Ahmed Saad Zaghloul (ahmedthegicoder@gmail.com) MIT License