
Wrapper to access the Oura Cloud API, no dependencies.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ouraCloudApi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/oura-cloud-api';



This lib was created for my own personal use, putting it up in case anyone else is in need of the same :) Since it's for personal use it only support authentication with access-token, might add OAuth in the future.

Login to the Oura Cloud with your Oura credentials and create an Personal Access Token.
Details around what information the API can return is found here: Oura Cloud API


npm install oura-cloud-api


Replace the accessToken below with your own personal access token found at Personal Access Token

const Client = require('oura-cloud-api');

(async () => {
    const accessToken = 'RDEOSTZPD4...';
    try {
        const client = new Client(accessToken);
        const userInfo  = await client.getUserInfo();
        console.log(`The call returned: ${JSON.stringify(userInfo)}`);
        const sleep  = await client.getReadinessSummaries({ start: '2020-01-15', end: '2020-01-20' });
        console.log(`The call returned: ${JSON.stringify(sleep)}`);
    } catch (error) {

        console.log(`Oh-no, error occured: ${error}`);



Available methods

returns the user object.



With the summary methods you can supply start and end dates in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD', as seen in the example above.

getSleepSummaries({start, end})

getActivitySummaries({start, end})

getReadinessSummaries({start, end})

This method returns an object with the above three summary methods in the format of: {sleep:[], activity:[], readiness:[]}.

getSummaries({start, end})

Returns the ideal bedtimes window based on Ouras sleep data.

getIdealBedtime({start, end})