
A loader to pass files through Outline (Literate programming tool)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import outlineLoader from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/outline-loader';


Outline Loader

A Webpack loader that works with Outline to compile literate JavaScript.

Note that to use this loader requires that you have installed Outline, and it is available on your path. See the Outline documentation for installation instructions.


npm install --save-dev outline-loader


  • language: Passed to Outline's -l parameter, indicating the language tag to compile with
  • style: Passed to Outline's -s parameter to override the automatically detected style
  • config: Passed to Outline's -c parameter to specify the path to the Outline.toml file
  • entrypoint: Passed to Outline's -e parameter to choose a named entrypoint

Example usage:


import { myFunction } from './functions.js.tex';

myFunction(3); // => 5




This module works like this:

==> Define some functions.
==> Export the functions.

Our function \texttt{myFunction} is used to add two to any input.

\begin{code}[name=Define some functions]
function myFunction(input) {
  return input + 2;

Now that all the functions are written, they must be exported.

\begin{code}[name=Export the functions]
export { myFunction };



module.exports = {
  entry: 'index.js',
  module: {
    rules: [
      { test: /\.js\.(tex|md|html|bird)$/, loader: 'outline-loader' },