
Handlebars + Panda Goodies in a quick and easy interface

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pandaTemplate from '';



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Handlebars + Panda Goodies in a quick and easy interface.

import PandaTemplate from "panda-template"
import {read} from "fairmont"
T = new PandaTemplate()

do ->
  template = await read ""
  data = await read "data.yaml"
  T.registerPartial "section1", await read ""
  T.registerPartial "section2", await read ""
  T.render template, data

Built on Handlebars.

In addition, we include the following helpers:

  • values: return the values of an object.
  • filter <property> <value>: selects objects whose <property> is the given <value>.
  • pluck <property>: maps an array of objects into an array of values using the given <property>.
  • join <delimiter>: converts an array to a string using the given <delimiter>.
  • sprintf <format> <string>: formats the <string> using the printf-style <format> string.
  • hang <indent> <width> <string>: Format <string> with a hanging indent of <indent> spaces and line <width>.
  • json <value>: serialize into JSON.



template, context => rendered template

Outputs a rendered template using Handlebars compile.


name, template => null

PandaTemplate associates the Handlebars library as an instance variable when you construct a new PandaTemplate class. This registers a template partial, at the given name, with that Handlebars instance.


null => instance of Handlebars

PandaTemplate associates the Handlebars library as an instance variable when you construct a new PandaTemplate class. This exposes that instance for more developer flexibility.