
Pandoc filters enhancing pandoc conversions to ConTeXt

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pandocContextFilters from '';


A pandoc filter to add figure references when going from markdown to ConTeXt

This filter can be used to generate figure references, if you follow certain conventions.

Build Status Greenkeeper badge


First run npm install

then run npm test

hopefully that works and does something useful


In your context file, you could do:

%% how to translate markdown in this doc

    [filtercommand={pandoc -t context --filter=node_modules/pandoc-context-filters/context-float-refs.js   \externalfilterinputfile\space -o \externalfilteroutputfile},



Then in, you need to follow a fairly simple convention. Just make sure to put the figure label in curly braces at the very end of the figure caption text. Like so:

If figures are your thing, you can see all the way down.
[Figure]( shows morning CDF, and
[Figure]( shows the evening CDF.

This figure call has a curly-braced figure reference done properly.

![Cumulative density function of measured travel times, Northbound, 6 AM{}](ks_hr_ecdf_n007.pdf)

So does this one.

![Cumulative density function of measured travel times, Northbound, 6 PM{}](ks_hr_ecdf_n019.pdf)

  Source    N   Mean   Std Dev   Median   Min   Max
-------- ---- ------ --------- -------- ----- -----
      bt  485  219.5     42.05    214.9 139.5 500.8

     sst 2880  221.6     29.03    217.4 155.3 484.7

Table: Summary statistics for all PM Peak (3-7pm) estimates on SB Beach{#tab:sb-pm-stats}

Notice the same idea with tables.  `"#tab:sb-pm-stats` is the way to
define the reference, and how to refer to it later.  For example,
[Table](#tab:sb-pm-stats) indicates a lot of similarity between the
afternoon estimates, but [Table](#tab:sb-am-stats) shows a marked
deviation in the morning period.

  Source    N   Mean   Std Dev   Median   Min   Max
-------- ---- ------ --------- -------- ----- -----
      bt  186  188.2     33.93    184.8 123.5   412

     sst 1447  199.4     18.33    199.3   149 319.2

Table: Summary statistics for AM Peak (7-9am) estimates on SB Beach{#tab:sb-am-stats}