
Parses arbitrary path string considering the presence of packages and workspaces

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import parseWorkspacePath from '';



Parses arbitrary path string considering the presence of packages and workspaces

It returns similar object like NodeJS path.parse but adds additional if finds yarn workspaces and (or) npm packages (it should be existing path)


npm i parse-workspace-path --save


const parseWspPath = require('parse-workspace-path');

const absolutePath = '.../yarn-workspace-folder/packages/package-A/src/...';

  .then(result => console.log(result))

The returned object will have the following properties:

  • dir <string>
  • root <string>
  • workspaceName <string>
  • packageDir <string>
  • packageName <string>
  • packageVersion <string>
  • localDir <string>
  • base <string>
  • name <string>
  • ext <string>
│         .dir        │.workspace │   .packageDir       │  .localDir   │   .base    │
│                     │   name    │                     │              │            │
├──────┐              ├───────────┼─────────────────────┼──────────────┼──────┬─────┤
│.root │              │           │                     │              │.name │.ext │
│' /    home/user/dir / monorepo  / lib/addons/packageA / src/__test__ / file  .txt'│
│      │              │           │                   ↳'/ package.json'│      │     │
│      │              │        ↳ '/ package.json'       │              │      │     │
                                       ⇧⇧⇧                   ⇧⇧⇧
                               ╭──── workspace ───╮  ╭──── package ─────╮
                               │ "private": true  │  │  (.packageName)  │
                               │ "workspaces": [] │  │ (.packageVersion)│
                               ╰──────────────────╯  ╰──────────────────╯


  • base, name and ext will be empty strings if absolutePath points to a dir
  • packageDir is a relative path between workspace folder and a package folder. It will be an empty string if one of them is absent
  • dir path to the folder:
    1. that contain a workspace folder (not including workspace folder itself)
    2. of a package if no workspace is found
    3. that absolutePath points if neither a package nor a workspace were found. Never includes a file name.
  • localDir is a remaining part of path between package folder (or workspace folder) and a end point specified by absolutePath. Never includes a file name.
  • A workspace folder to be detected as a "workspace" should contain fields "private": true and "workspaces" and fit at least one of the conditions:
    1. The rest part of the path don't contain package.json files (a single workspace case)
    2. The rest part of the path contain package.json and it matches one of "workspaces": [] glob patterns

You can rely on that dir + workspace + packageDir + localDir + base is always equal to absolutePath. See examples for details.


const absolutePath = '/home/usulpro/WebProjects/read-pkg-workspace/workspaces/unicorns/celestabelleabethabelle/src/stories/unicorn.story.js';

  .then(result => console.log(result))

will output:

  root: '/',
  dir: '/home/usulpro/WebProjects/read-pkg-workspace',
  localDir: 'src/stories',
  base: 'unicorn.story.js',
  ext: '.js',
  name: 'unicorn.story',
  workspaceName: 'workspaces',
  packageDir: 'unicorns/celestabelleabethabelle',
  packageName: 'celestabelleabethabelle',
  packageVersion: '1.0.0'

Take a look on some other visual examples:

color output



Returns a Promise for the result object.


Directory or a file to start analyzing

See also

  • read-pkg-up - Read the closest package.json file
  • read-pkg-workspace - Reads the closest two package.json files and checks if they are organized in a workspace


@UsulPro @UsulPro

MIT 2018