
SDK Bindings for Javascript (Node JS)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import passkitSdk from '';


PassKIT SDK for Node JS

PassKIT API Rest SDK for Node JS

Welcome to the unofficial PassKIT SDK for Node JS, this SDK is to integrate PassKIT API into a node js app in an easy and fashion way.

SDK Integration: the easy way:

npm install passkit-sdk

SDK Integration

In order to integrate the SDK into your node.js project follow the next steps:

  • Install urllib dependencie into your system.

  • Add dependency 'passkit-sdk' to your package.json file.

  • Require 'passkit-sdk' in your script

        var passkit_sdk = require('passkit-sdk');	
  • Configure SDK, by providing the required parameters:

        passkit_sdk.configure({ apiKey: 'Your API Key',
                                apiSecret: 'Your API Secret Key'

    All configure options available are:

    • connection_timeout - the timeout to wait a request
    • connection_readtimeout - the timeout to read response
    • api_version - the version of API (defualt v1)
    • apiKey - the api key of your passkit account
    • apiSecret - the api secret key of your passkit account
  • Invoke API

        passkit_sdk.template.list(function(err, cb) {
                if (err) {
                } else {


Created at The Hover Cloud Programming Engine Inc.