
command line tool for running a pataka instance

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import patakaCli from '';




Install Node 14 LTS with e.g. nvm or nvm-windows

$ npm install -g pataka-cli
$ pataka

You will then see logged out:

  • host : the hostname your pataka will be connected to over (you generally want this to be accessible on the internet)
  • port : the local port your pataka will be listening on
  • feedId : the unique scuttlebutt id of this pataka (for debugging)
  • data : path to where data is being stored for this instance
  • config : path to where you can persist custom config

To use this in the cloud, you might like to launch it with a tool like: pm2


You can modify which port and hostname are used if by editing the config file output above. Here's en example config (note all fields are optional)

  "port": "8068",
  "pataka": {
    "host": ""

You can also use ENV VAR (these will over-ride the config file):

  • PORT (default: 8088)
  • PATAKA_WEB_PORT (default: 3000)
  • PATAKA_LOG controls logging, set to true to enable
    • the pataka creates an invite code each time it's started, this specifies how many uses that code is valid for
    • (default: 1000)

NOTE: it's currently not only possible to set the local port the patkaka listens on - you cannot set the external port the invite code will use If this external port is different you can manually edit the port invite code.

:warning: WARNING

This module currently exposes an admin web page without authentication. It allows:

  • setting the name of the pataka
  • generating single-use invites for the pataka


  1. Add Authentication

  2. find a way to not commit the raw public/ folder

  3. Make it so you can upload profile images (may be broken atm?)

  4. There's an annoying error logged on startup. It's safe to ignore but looks scary, it needs tidying up

    Trace: deprecated api used: ssb-ref.parseAddress
        at Object.parseAddress (/home/username/.nvm/versions/node/v14.16.0/lib/node_modules/pataka-cli/node_modules/ssb-ref/index.js:99:15)
        at Object.<anonymous> (/home/username/.nvm/versions/node/v14.16.0/lib/node_modules/pataka-cli/node_modules/ssb-invite/index.js:97:24)
        at apply (/home/username/.nvm/versions/node/v14.16.0/lib/node_modules/pataka-cli/node_modules/muxrpc-validation/index.js:197:15)


$ git clone
$ cd pataka-cli
$ npm i
$ npm start

to start in development pataka env:

$ npm run dev

To update the dependencies to be in line with pataka

$ npm link pataka
$ npm run syncDeps