
A tiny wrapper around pdf.js to convert PDFs to dataURLs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pdfToDataURL from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pdf-to-dataURL';




A tiny wrapper around pdf.js to convert PDFs to dataURLs.


npm i -S pdf-to-dataURL


pdfToDataURL is an async function (due to the async nature of pdf.js), that accepts a Blob of the PDF (e.g. from an <input type='file' /> element), the width of the viewport the dataURL should fit in (for proper sizing), and a callback that will be called after each page of the PDF is converted with a page object.

The page object has four properties: width: number the width of the page's dataURL height: number the height of the page's dataURL src: dataURL the dataURL of the page index: number the index of the page -- as pdf.js is async, the callback may be called not in the correct page order. Use this property if the order of the pages matters to you to properly place into an array. Useful with rendering libraries like React, where you can easily control the ordering of elements in the DOM.


import pdfToDataURL from 'pdf-to-dataURL'
const viewportWidth = 800

let initialNumChildren = document.body.children.length

const cb = function (page) {
  let img = document.createElement('img')
  img.width = page.width
  img.height = page.height
  img.src = page.src // the dataURL is here


pdfToDataURL(pdfBlob, viewportWidth, cb)