
Array iterator containing an iterator for peeking

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import peekableArrayIterator from '';


Peekable Array Iterator

This module allows iterating over an array (or any other object with an [] accessor and a length attribute, like a string for example) and creates an iterator for peeking at each iteration step.


const PeekableArrayIterator = require('peekable-array-iterator')

const it = new PeekableArrayIterator('HelloWorld')

console.log( // prints 'H'
console.log( // prints 'e'

console.log( // prints 'l'
console.log( // prints 'l'
console.log( // prints 'o'

console.log( // prints 'l'
console.log( // prints 'l'

for (const peek of it.peek) {
  // prints 'oWorld' in seperate lines


const it = new PeekableArrayIterator(container, [start])

This creates a new iterator with the container to be iterated over (any object with an [] accessor and a length attribute, like an array or a string). Optionally, a start value can be passed to set the starting index. The starting index is 0 by default. The iterator (aswell, as the peek iterator) uses the standard interface for iterators []. This is allows the usage in for-of loops.

Return next entry. The returned object has the following form:

    data: The next value
    done: `true`, until there is no next value available


Iterator starting at the current index.

Same as, but won't modify the state of it.