
performance-time measures the execution time of the code you want to check.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import performanceTime from '';



Task-based performance measurement utility. performance-time measures the execution time of the code you want to check.

Patch Note

  • 1.1.0

Added Warmup task that runs before running first task.

As a result, the initial task no longer runs quickly. (Fixed bug)

swap1(), swap2() tasks result:
[ { task: 'swap1', repeat: 200000000, time: 620 },
  { task: 'swap2', repeat: 200000000, time: 611 } ]

API Reference

addTask(task1 [, task2, ..., taskN])

Add name of the tasks to measure performance. Tasks must be executable functions or methods.


Delete all tasks added through addTask.


Run the all added tasks and return performance time result. If add the repeat option, it will apply only to this run. Otherwise, the default(repeat = 100000) is applied.


Returns Array about performance time result of the last run.


npm install performance-time

How to use

// ES5 version sample code.
var Performance= require('performance-time');
var perf = new Performance({repeat:100000000});

// Add the task-functions
perf.addTask(swap1, swap2);

// Run the all added tasks and print report about the run.
console.log('Way1: ',;
    //Way1:  [ { task: 'swap1', repeat: 100000000, time: 60 },
    //	{ task: 'swap2', repeat: 100000000, time: 470 } ]

// Or{repeat:300});		// 'repeat' only apply to this run.
console.log('Way2: ', perf.result());
    //Way2:  [ { task: 'swap1', repeat: 300, time: 0 },
    //	{ task: 'swap2', repeat: 300, time: 0 } ]

// Clear all tasks added on perf.

/* --- Tasks */
// Traditional swap which uses three variables
function swap1() {
    var a=1, b=2;
    var temp = a;


    if(a !== 2 || b !== 1)
        console.error('swap fail: ', a, b);

// Swap which only uses two variables
function swap2() {
    var a = 1, b = 2;

    a = a ^ b;
    b = a ^ b;
    a = a ^ b;

    if(a !== 2 || b !== 1)
        console.error('swap fail: ', a, b);