
Date for humans.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import peryod from '';



Build Status

Date for humans in javascript (node.js & browser)

Getting Started

in node.js

Install the module with: npm install peryod


someDate = new Date();
humanReadableDate = someDate.peryod();

in browsers

<script src="peryod.min.js"></script>
someDate = new Date();
humanReadableDate = someDate.peryod();


Peryòd add a new method peryod in the global Date object, returning a human-readable string representation of the date compared to another date (now, by default).

Human-readable representations :

  • a few seconds ago...
  • 1 minute ago...
  • 23 minutes ago...
  • 1 hour ago...
  • 4 hours ago..
  • yesterday, 12:34
  • 14 october 2013, 12:34


Returns a human-readable representation of the dateObject from now.

dateObject.peryod( date )

Returns a human-readable representation of the dateObject from date.
Note: if date isn't a Date object (or is null), it will be treated as now.

dateObject.peryod( date, strings )

Returns a human-readable representation of the dateObject from date, using the custom givens strings.
The strings parameters is an object with these properties :

strings = {
    "seconds": "a few seconds ago...",
    "minute": "1 minute ago...",
    "minutes": "{value} minutes ago...",
    "hour": "1 hour ago...",
    "hours": "{value} hours ago...",
    "yesterday": "yesterday, {value}",
    "past": "{date}, {time}",
    "months": [


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style.
Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.
Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

2013-09-06: v1.0.0 - initial version


Copyright (c) 2013 Leny
Licensed under the MIT license.