
Set of helpers designed for a Microservice architecture

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<script type="module">
  import petitservice from '';


Petit Service 🍬

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Set of helpers designed for a Microservice architecture.

Available helpers:

Service Loader

Start different services (sequentially) with graceful exit handler.

Supported features:

  • Check if TCP hosts are reachable
  • Start Redis cache manager
  • Start MongoDB client
  • Start AMQ publisher/consumer
  • Start postgres database connection using knex (check if it's alive every 30 sec)
  • Start HTTP server (express or http)
  • Gracefully exit all services on exceptions

Full Example:

const serviceLoader = require('petitservice/lib/serviceLoader');
const logger = require('petitservice/lib/logger');

const config = require('./config');

return serviceLoader()
.cache({ host: 'localhost', port: 6379, auth_pass: 'xxx' })
  amqUrl: 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672',
  consumerQueue: 'my-consumer-queue',
  assertQueues: ['my-publisher-queue'],
  consumer: (data, ack) => {;
    ack(); // acknowledge the message
.then(() => {'Do something during starting...');
  pgUrl: config.pgUrl,
  pgDatabase: config.pgDatabase,
.express(() => require('./express_app.js'), config.httpPort)
.onExit(() => {'Do something during exit...');
.done(() => {'Everything is started!');

Available functions chains:

  • ping(urlList, [options]): Check if hostnames are alive
    • urlList (array of url to ping) format: protocol://[user:pass@]hostname:port
    • options.failureMax (optional integer, how many attempts should we try before we exit the process, default: 5)
    • options.frequency (optional integer, how many milliseconds should wait before checking again hostnames, default: 30000)
  • db([options]): Initiate database, checks if database is alive and destroy knex on exit
    • options.pgUrl (optional string, postgres url, default: set in ./lib/db/config.js)
    • options.pgDatabase (optional string, database to query, default: postgres)
    • options.failureMax (optional integer, how many attempts should we try before we exit the process, default: 5)
    • options.frequency (optional integer, how many milliseconds should wait before checking again the database, default: 30000)
  • cache(redisOpts): Start cache for petitservice/lib/cache
    • redisOpts (required object, { host, port, auth_pass })
  • mongo(mongoUrl): Start mongoDb for petitservice/lib/mongo
    • mongoUrl (required string, mongo url)
  • amq(options): Connect to RabbitMQ using amqp.node, and close it when the program exit. options is required.
    • options.amqUrl (required string, amq url)
    • options.assertQueues (optional array, list of queue to create if they haven't been created before. if consumerQueue is set, it will be asserted as well automatically.
    • options.consumerCb(data, ack) (required function): handles a message to consume. It gets as parameter respectively the received data (already JSON parsed) and ack function to run when we want to acknowledge the message.
    • options.consumerQueue (required string): consumer queue name
    • options.consumerPrefetch (optional integer): how many message we consume simultaneously - default: 1
    • options.onError(err, msg) (optional function): error handler when there's an exception on the consumer. Gets as parameter err as error object and msg as raw message. Defaults a warning message.
  • express(expressApp, port): Start express HTTP server, and close it when exit
    • expressApp (required function that returns express app, - We advice you to use the require inside this function.
    • port (integer, HTTP port. default: 80)
  • then(cb): Run a function during starting
    • cb (function that performs action, can return a promise as well)
  • done([callback]): Add this at the end of the chain to start the service. it can take a callback function as parameter that executes when everything is loaded.
  • onExit(cb): Action to perform when closing Gracefully
    • cb (function that performs action, can return a promise as well)

AMQ publisher/consumer

Connect to RabbitMQ using amqp.node, Asserts queues, and consume messages from a queue.

Example using serviceLoader

const serviceLoader = require('petitservice/lib/serviceLoader');
const amq = require('petitservice/lib/amq');

  amqUrl: 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672',
  consumerQueue: 'my-consumer-queue',
  assertQueues: ['my-publisher-queue'],
  consumer: (data, ack) => {;
    ack(); // acknowledge the message
.done(() => {
  amq.publish({ myKey: 'myValue' }, 'my-publisher-queue');

Example without serviceLoader

const amq = require('petitservice/lib/amq');

// Using serviceLoader
  amqUrl: 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672',
  consumerQueue: 'my-consumer-queue',
  assertQueues: ['my-publisher-queue'],
  consumer: (data, ack) => {;
    ack(); // acknowledge the message
.then(() => {
  // publish a message
  amq.publish({ myKey: 'myValue' }, 'my-publisher-queue');

Available methods:

  • start(options): Connect to RabbitMQ and assert publisher/consumer. Documentation on the options is available on serviceLoader
  • publish(payload, queueName, [options]): Publish a payload to a queue.
    • payload: (object) data to publish
    • queueName: (string) where we'd like to publish the data
    • options: (optional object) Publication options (for sendToQueue), default { persistent: false, expiration: 60000 }
  • close(): Close amq connection
  • getChannel(): returns active channel
  • getConnection(): returns active connection

Redis Cache

Cache manager using Redis

Full example

const cache = require('petitservice/lib/cache');
const logger = require('petitservice/lib/logger');


const userId = 12;
const getUser = (userId) => models.getUser(userId);

// Get / Set / Delete
const cacheKey = 'bob';
.then((cachedValue) => {
  if (!cachedValue) {`Setting value for ${cacheKey}`);
    return cache.getValue(cacheKey, 'alice', 60);
  }`I remember ${cachedValue}`);
.then((cachedValue) => {`Bye ${cacheKey}`);
  return cache.delValue(cacheKey);

// Wrap a function
cache.wrap(userId, () => models.getUser(userId), 10)
.then((cacheUser) => {`Bonjour ${cacheUser.firstName}`);

// Delayed Execution
const id = 'abc';
const prm = () => {
  return models.insertKeystroke(id, Math.random());
cache.delayedExec(id, prm, 10); // <= prm will be discarded after 10 sec
cache.delayedExec(id, prm, 10); // <= prm will be resolved after 10 sec

Available methods:

  • start(redisUrl): Instantiate the cache so that we can call get/set data.
  • getValue(key): Get value by its key
  • setValue(key, value, ttl): Set a value using a key (ttl - Time to live - is in seconds)
  • delValue(key): Delete a value by its key
  • wrap(key, fallbackPromise, ttl, isJSON): Wrap a promise in cache.
    • key: (string) identifier
    • fallbackPromise: (function that returns a promise) How we get the data to read/write
    • ttl: (integer) Time to live in seconds
    • isJSON: (boolean - default:false) encode objects to a JSON before saving into the cache
  • delayedExec(identifier, prm, delayTime): Delay an promise execution of a promise across different microservices. The promise is resolved only if not another delayedExecution has been trigged during the same timeframe (delayTime).
    • identifier: (string) how we identify this execution
    • prm: (function that returns a promise) the promise that we want to execute
    • delayTime: (integer - in seconds) timeframe when there wasn't any delayed execution with the same identifier

MongoDb client

MongoDB helpers

Full example

const mongo = require('petitservice/lib/mongo');
const logger = require('petitservice/lib/logger');

return mongo.start(config.mongoUrl)
  .then(() => {
    const db = mongo.db(config.mongoDbname);
    const collection = db.collection('documents');
    // Insert some documents
    return collection.insertMany([
      {a : 1}, {a : 2}, {a : 3}
      .then(() => collection.find({}).toArray())
      .then((docs) =>;
  .then(() => mongo.close());

Available methods:

  • start(mongoUrl): Instantiate the mongoDb client
  • db(key): Get database instance
  • close(): Close mongodb client

Express common middlewares

Set common middlewares for an express app

Full example

const express = require('express');
const expressMiddleWare = require('petitservice/lib/expressMiddleWare');

const app = express();


app.get('/', (req, res) => {


Available methods:

  • addStandard(app): Add the following middlewares:
    • Disable 'x-powered-by' header
    • Define 'trsut proxy' to accept forwared ip
    • Body parser (json and form data)
    • Set a health check endpoints '/~health' that returns 'ok'
    • Remove trailing slashes on urls
  • addCompression(app): Adds GZIP compression middleware
  • addLogs(app): logs http request using the logger module (See section about logger)
  • addErrorHandlers(app, isHTML):
    • Report errors to google cloud engine if it's defined
    • Endpoint to handle not found pages (if isHTML is set to true it will render the view 404)
    • Endpoint to handle internal errors (if isHTML is set to true it will render the view 500)

Google Cloud Monitoring (Trace, Debug, Errors)

Monitoring using Google Stackdriver: Debug, Trace, Errors.

Full Example:

const gcloud = require('petitservice/lib/gcloud');

// Environment variable:
// - GCLOUD_PROJECT: "my-project"

gcloud.init(process.cwd(), {
  trace: {
    ignoreUrls: [/^\/asserts/, /\/~*health/],

Available methods:

  • init(projectRootDirectory, [options]): Initiate gcloud
    • options: (optional object) more details below
    • projectRootDirectory: (required, string) Project root directory (where package.json is located)
  • reportError(): Report an error to gcloud-errors, error must be an Error object
  • expressMiddleWare(): gcloud-errors express middleware
  • startSpan(): gcloud-trace startSpan (see trace documentation)
  • endSpan(): gcloud-trace endSpan (see trace documentation)
  • runInSpan(): gcloud-trace runInSpan (see trace documentation)
  • runInRootSpan(): gcloud-trace runInRootSpan (see trace documentation)

Available options:

Environment variables:

  • GCLOUD_STACKDRIVER_CREDENTIALS: required string, base64 of the gcloud json key
  • GCLOUD_PROJECT: required string: gcloud project name
  • ENABLE_GCLOUD_TRACE: option binary: Enable gcloud trace
  • ENABLE_GCLOUD_ERROR: option binary: Enable gcloud error reporting
  • ENABLE_GCLOUD_DEBUG: option binary: Enable gcloud debug
  • GCLOUD_DEBUG_LOGLEVEL: Log level for gcloud/debug (default: 1)
  • GCLOUD_TRACE_LOGLEVEL: Log level for gcloud/trace (default: 1)
  • GCLOUD_ERRORS_LOGLEVEL: Log level for gcloud/error (default: 1)


Log data on the console (using winston), and report errors to gcloud/error if enabled

The default LogLevels depends on the NOD_ENV:

  • debug for development env
  • info for production env
  • error for test env

Full Example:

// You may also set the log level using the environment variable: LOG_LEVEL: 'debug'

const logger = require('petitservice/lib/logger');

logger.debug('bonjour');'un café et un croissant chaud');
logger.error(new Error('Something broke'));

// You can use middlewares for express

// Request logs

// Error logs
if (logger.gcloudErrorsMiddleWare) {

Exported methods:

  • requestLogger: Express middleware to log requests
  • errorLogger: Express middleware to log errors
  • gcloudErrorsMiddleWare: Express middleware to report express errors to gcloud
  • error
  • outputError (like error, but without reporting that to gcloud)
  • warn
  • info
  • log
  • verbose
  • debug
  • silly

Database helpers

Connect to a Postgres database using knex.

Check section Service Loader for details to initiate the database

Full Example:

const serviceLoader = require('petitservice/lib/serviceLoader');
const logger = require('petitservice/lib/logger');
const db = require('petitservice/lib/db');

  pgUrl: 'postgres://root:@localhost',
  pgDatabase: 'postgres',
.done(() => {
  const db = db.getKnexObject();
  db.raw('SELECT 1;')
  .then((data) => {;

Exported methods:

  • init([pgUrl], [pgDatabase]): Initiate knex object in memory
  • pgUrl: (option string, postgres url, default: set in ./lib/db/config.js)
  • pgDatabase: (option string, postgres database, default: set in ./lib/db/config.js)
  • getKnexObject(): returns knex object

Used environment variables

  • POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR: Postgres hostname
  • POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT: Postgres port
  • POSTGRES_ENV_POSTGRES_USER: Postgres username
  • PG_DATABASE: Postgres database

Database tasks

Available tasks on require('petitservice/lib/db/tasks'):

  • run(action, database): Run a task to the database
    • action: can be createdb, dropdb, migrate, seed, init (createdb + migrate + seed), refresh (dropdb + init)
    • database: database name
  • createdb(database): Create database
  • dropdb(database): Drop database
  • migrate(database): Migrate database
  • seed(database): Seed database

Full example:

node ./dbTasks.js createdb development

// dbTasks.js

const tasks = require('petitservice/lib/db/tasks');

const pgDatabases = {
  production: 'myDb',
  test: 'myDb_test',
  development: 'myDb_dev',

const env = process.argv[process.argv.length - 1];
const action = process.argv[process.argv.length - 2];, pgDatabases[env]);


Enable API

If not running on google cloud

gcloud iam service-accounts create stackdriver --display-name=stackdriver
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_NAME} --member serviceAccount:stackdriver@${PROJECT_NAME} --role roles/cloudtrace.admin
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_NAME} --member serviceAccount:stackdriver@${PROJECT_NAME} --role roles/clouddebugger.agent
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_NAME} --member serviceAccount:stackdriver@${PROJECT_NAME} --role roles/logging.admin
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_NAME} --member serviceAccount:stackdriver@${PROJECT_NAME} --role roles/errorreporting.admin

If not running on google cloud


You are welcomed to fork the project and make pull requests. Or just file an issue or suggestion 😊