
Class to use with Phaser 3 to show numbers in an analog counter display

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import phaser3AnalogCounter from '';


GitHub tag (latest by date) GitHub license


Class to use with Phaser 3 to show numbers in a "realistic" analog counter display.
Try demo here:


Table of contents



There are two alternatives:

  • Point a script tag to the CDN link:
<script src="">
<script src="localPath/analog-counter.umd.js">

Then you can access the class by the global ShapeRec:

// In your create function ...
const myCounter = new AnalogCounter(this, x, y); 

From NPM

npm install phaser3-analog-counter

Then you can acces the class as:

  • CommonJS module
const AnalogCounter = require('phaser3-analog-counter');

// In your create function ...
const myCounter = new AnalogCounter(this, x, y); 
  • ES6 module
import AnalogCounter from 'phaser3-analog-counter';

// In your create function ...
const myCounter = new AnalogCounter(this, x, y);


This is the most simple use (all options by default):

// In your scene create function ...

// Constructor only needs 3 params: (scene, x , y)
const myCounter = new AnalogCounter(this, 100, 100);


The result using all default options is:


We can change some options:

const config = {
    digits: 3,
    backgroundColor: 0xcc0000,
    fontColor: '#ffffff'
const myCounter = new AnalogCounter(this, 100, 100, config);

This is the result:


To change position and object origin:

const myCounter = new AnalogCounter(this, 100, 100);

// Same like in Phaser

// Changes position to {x:150, y:200}


This is the config object with all options:

interface CounterConfig {
     * Width of counter in pixels. Default: digits * (fontSize + 4)
    width?: number,

     * Height of counter in pixels. Default: fontSize * 2 (max value)
    height?: number,

     * Number of digits of counter. Default: 6
    digits?: number,

     * Vertical space between digits in pixels. Default: fontSize/2
    padding?: number,

     * CSS property "fontSize" of the font used to make the digits. Default: 24
    fontSize?: number,

     * Color of font in html format (example: '#ff00ff'). Default: '#000000'
    fontColor?: string,

     * Color of background in hex format (example: 0xff00ff). Default: 0xffffff
    backgroundColor?: number,

     * Alpha value of shade effect. 0 disables this effect. Default 0.9.
    shade?: number,
     * Time interval in milliseconds until reach a number. Default: 1000.
    duration?: number;


This code is released under MIT LICENSE.