
The ultra-lightweight Node.js HTTP client

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import phinRetry from '';



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The ultra-lightweight Node.js HTTP client.

This is a wrapper around Phin that adds support for retry & looks like request-promise.


npm install phin-retry


const request = require('phin-retry');

// should be used in async context
const response = await request.get('');

    url: 'http://localhost:9393/api/post',
    body: { msg: 'input' },
    retry: 3,
    delay: 500

// custom retry, error & delay strategy
const response = await request.delete({
    url: 'http://localhost:9393/api/delete',
    auth: {
      user: 'name',
      pass: 'secret'
    errorStrategy: ({response, error, options}) => {
        if (error) return true;
        if (response.statusCode >= 400) {
          return false;
        return true;
    retryStrategy: ({response, error, options}) => {
        if (error) return true;
        if (options.method === 'POST') return false;
        if (response.statusCode >=200 && response.StatusCode < 300) {
          return false;
        return true;
    delayStrategy: ({response, error, options, delay}) => {
        if (error) return 5000;
        return 2000;

  • It supports get, post, put, delete, patch HTTP methods.
  • By default, this library will retry once on failure (StatusCode >= 500 & network errors) with a delay of 100 or 1000 milliseconds. Override this behavior with custom retry strategy function.
  • Responses with status codes < 200 & >= 300 are thrown as errors. Override this behavior with custom error strategy function.
  • All options from phin are supported. Refer Phin for more usage examples.
  • Access underlying phin library through request.phin.



Access default options through request.defaults.

Option Type Description
retry number max no of times to retry (1)
delay number delay between retries (100ms)
networkErrorDelay number delay for network errors (1000ms)
retryStrategy function default retry strategy function
delayStrategy function default delay strategy function
errorStrategy function default error strategy function


It supports all options from phin, refer Phin for more details.

Method Type Description
url string request url
qs object query parameters
auth object authentication object
headers object headers object
retry number max no of times to retry
delay number delay between retries
body any equivalent to data in phin
fullResponse boolean returns full phin response
retryStrategy function custom retry strategy function
delayStrategy function custom delay strategy function
errorStrategy function custom error strategy function