
Pictures uploader tool for tumblr, flickr, yandex.fotki

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import picPostr from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pic-postr';



Pictures uploader tool, supports tumblr, flickr and Yandex.Fotki (more services support to come). Uploads given pictures from configured folders and watches for new files being added to upload.


npm install pic-postr


Each service requieres OAuth authentication to perform picures upload. This implies API keys retrieving process completion for pic-postr app with each service you desire to post to.

To accomplish this process, refer to servie's docs:

Get access with Tumblr

Get access with Flickr

Get access with Yandex.Fotki


Example folders structure


Folders tumblr-drafts, tumblr-queue and flickr-public could contain some pictures at the run moment or files could be added on the fly.

Runner script (postr.js):

require('pic-postr').init('/base/folder', {
    logLevel: 'info',
    tumblr: {
        appConsumerKey: '...',
        appSecretKey: '...',
        accessToken: '...',
        accessSecret: '...',
        interval: 30,
        blog: 'the-blog',
        post: {
            caption: 'Feel free to LIKE my photo',
            date: function (filePath) {
                return new Date(require('fs').statSync(filePath).ctime).toISOString()
    flickr: {
        appConsumerKey: '...',
        appSecretKey: '...',
        accessToken: '...',
        accessSecret: '...',
        interval: 10,
        order: 'abc',
        extractIptc: true,
        post: {
            title: function (filePath, metaIptc) {
                return metaIptc.description;
            // more about metaIptc: https://github.com/achesco/extract-iptc 
            tags: function (filePath, metaIptc) {
                !metaIptc.keywords && return null;
                return typeof meta.keywords === 'string' ? meta.keywords : meta.keywords.join(' '); // flickr requires white-space separated tags
            is_public: 1
    fotki: {
        userName: 'yandex-login',
        accessToken: '...',
        album: 'My Album Name'
    folders: {
        'tumblr-drafts': {
            service: 'tumblr',
            interval: 20,
            order: 'abc',
            post: {
                state: 'draft'
        'tumblr-queue': {
            service: 'tumblr',
            order: 'random',
            post: {
                state: 'queue'
        'flickr-public': {
            service: 'flickr'
        'to-fotki': {
            post: {
                access: 'private',
                xxx: true

After node postr.js execution we'll get main program running, posting and monitoring configured folders with given settings by child processes. Could be run as a background service.

node postr.js > postr.log 2>&1 &

Options explained

require('pic-postr').init(baseFolderPath, appConfigOptins);


String containing absolute or relative path to the base application folder. Base folder must contain images folders configured under the folder section of appConfigOptions.


Application config object, possible fields are:

Option Type Default Description
logLevel String 'warn' Optional. Possible values are: 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error'
imConvertPath String 'convert' Optional. Path to imagemagick's convert utility, if not in PATH
tumblr tumblrConfigOptions - Config for Tumblr. Used for folders with service: 'tumblr'
flickr flickrConfigOptions - Config for Flickr. Used for folders with service: 'flickr'
fotki fotkiConfigOptions - Config for Yandex.Photos. Used for folders with service: 'fotki'
folders Object - Object with keys matching picture folders inside baseFolderPath directory, values are: folderConfigOptions

tumblrConfigOptions and flickrConfigOptions

Option Type Default Description
appConsumerKey String - Service API application consumer key for OAuth
appSecretKey String - Service API application secret key for OAuth
accessToken String - Service API OAuth access token
accessSecret String - Service API OAuth access secret
interval Number 60 Time interval between posts for service, in seconds
order String 'abc' Optional. Post files in given order (file name is used for sorting). Values: 'abc', 'zyx', 'random'
extractIptc Boolean false Optional. Extract IPTC/XMP metadata to be used in post fields callbacks.
post postConfigOptions N Data object fields to post config

tumblrConfigOptions (Tumblr-only options)

Option Type Default Description
blog String N Blog name to post to. Can be overriden with folderConfigOptions.blog


Option Type Default Description
userName String - Yandex login (without @yandex)
accessToken String - Service API OAuth access token
interval Number 60 Time interval between posts for service, in seconds
order String 'abc' Optional. Post files in given order (file name is used for sorting). Values: 'abc', 'zyx', 'random'
extractIptc Boolean false Optional. Extract IPTC/XMP metadata to be used in post fields callbacks.
album String N Album name to post to. Can be overriden with folderConfigOptions.album
post postConfigOptions N Data object fields to post config


Option Type Default Description
service String N 'tumblr', 'flickr' or 'fotki'
Plus any of the following service-level config fields: interval, order, extractIptc, post;
blog for tumblr-only and album for fotki may also be overriden on folder level.


Post config options depend on service. Any supported field's config value could be set to function. It'll be called for every time before posting picture file and should return fiel's value. Function arguments are:

  • filePath path to file being posted
  • metaIptc metadata parsed from image being posted. Requires extractIptc optinon set to true.

Return value should be service's API compatible value. Return null or undefined to ignore and use default instead.

Tumblr's postConfigOptions

Supported fields are: state, tags, tweet, date, format, slug, caption, link, source. Description and possible values

Flickr's postConfigOptions

Supported fields are: title, description, tags, is_public, is_friend, is_family, safety_level, content_type, hidden. Description and possible values

Fotki's postConfigOptions

Supported fields are: title, summary, hide_original, xxx, disable_comments, access, tags. Description and possible values

Post fields callbacks

If metaIptc set to true post fields options set to function will receive extracted IPTC metadata object as second param (file path is first). Metadata fields details