
Transform arbitrary object structures (json superset) in to JsonML/PigeonMark and back again, allowing arbitrary data to be passed through XML tools

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pigeonmarkArbitrary from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pigeonmark-arbitrary';



This package provides a codec to transform JsonML in to arbitrary data structures composed of javascript objects, arrays, sets, maps, numbers, bigints, strings, buffers, booleans, nulls, and undefined. The resulting JsonML structure can be serialized as xml using pigeonmark-xml or any other JsonML codec.

This encoding allows arbitrary non-recursive data structures to processed through XML tooling.

  • 123 becomes <number>123</number>
  • true becomes <true/>
  • false becomes <false/>
  • null becomes <null/>
  • undefined becomes <undefined/>
  • "text" becomes <string>text</string>
  • [true, false, 123] becomes <array><true/><false/><number>123</number></array>
  • { handshape: 5 } becomes <object><number name="handshape">5</number></object>
  • Buffer.from('Hello') becomes <buffer encoding="utf-8">Hello</buffer> (or possibly base64 or hex encoding)
  • new Set([1,2]) becomes <set><number>1</number><number>2</number></set>
  • new Map([['a', 'b']]) becomes <map><two><string>a</string><string>b</string></two></map>
  • 123n becomes <bigint>123</bigint>
  • new Date() becomes <date>2021-04-26T03:21:14.350Z</date>
  • Symbol('foo') becomes <symbol id="0">foo</symbol>

The root node of a pigeonmark:arbitrary document must always have the xmlns attribute set to "pigeonmark:arbitrary". For example:

  "name": "Henry",
  "age": 45,

encodes to the JsonML/PigeonMark structure:

["object", { "xmlns": "pigeonmark:arbitrary" },
  ["string", { "name": "name" }, "Henry"],
  ["number", { "name": "age" }, "45"]

which serializes to XML:

<object xmlns="pigeonmark:arbitrary"><string name="name">Henry</string><number name="age">45</number></object>


1.0.0 - Initial release 1.0.1 - Add .isArbitraryEncoded() function


const arbitrary = require('pigeonmark-arbitrary')

//=> ['array', { xmlns: 'pigeonmark:arbitrary' }, ['number', 1], ['number', 2], ['number', 3]]

arbitrary.decode(['string', { xmlns: 'pigeonmark:arbitrary' }, 'Hello World'])
//=> 'Hello World'


Test if a given JsonML structure is in pigeonmark-arbitrary format

Returns boolean


Encode any supported data format in to JsonML structure.

Returns a JsonML node, which is an array whose first element is a string tag name


Decode a JsonML representation of an arbitrary encoded document. Returns any supported type

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