
Pika plugin to package a Node.js app into an executable

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pikaPluginPkgNode from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pika-plugin-pkg-node';



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A @pika/pack build plugin. Package a Node.js app into an executable that can be run on devices without installing Node.js. This plugin use the awesome @zeit/pkg library under the hood.


$ npm install pika-plugin-pkg-node --save-dev  # npm
$ yarn add pika-plugin-pkg-node --dev          # yarn


  "name": "example-package-json",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "@pika/pack": {
    "pipeline": [
      ["pika-plugin-pkg-node", { /* options: see below */ } ]

For more information about @pika/pack & help getting started, check out the main project repo.



Default value: []

Specify the assets packaged into the executable as raw content without modifications. The assets property is a list of globs, e.g. ["assets/**/*"].


Defaults to false

Log packaging process. Useful, if you have issues with some particular file not packaged into the executable.


Defaults to the package name

Specify the name of the generated executable. For example, if the value of name property is "pika", the following executables will be generated:

  • pika-macos
  • pika-linux
  • pika-win.exe


Default value: "bin"

Specify the path, relative to the pkg folder, where the generated executables must be created.


Default value: []

Specify the scripts packaged into the executable without sources. Files specified as scripts will be compiled using v8::ScriptCompiler. The scripts property is a list of globs, e.g. ["scripts/**/*"].


Default value: ["linux","macos","win"]

A target consists of 3 elements, separated by dashes, for example node6-macos-x64 or node4-linux-armv6:

  • nodeRange: node${n} or latest
  • platform: freebsd, linux, alpine, macos, win
  • arch: x64, x86, armv6, armv7

You may omit any element (and specify just node6 for example. The omitted elements will be taken from the current platform or system-wide Node.js installation (its version and arch). There is also an alias host, that means that all 3 elements are taken from the current platform/Node.js.



Contributions are very welcome!

See CONTRIBUTING.md for more information and how to get started.


MIT © kevinpollet