A pattern for consistent client-side API requests
The What
A collection of types and interfaces that produce a typesafe and typehinted client-side api for hitting some generic backend.
The Why
I was writing the same code too often. No similar package was available so I made myself one.
The purpose of this package is to allow for consistent and fast client side API logic generation. To that end, I should be able to type an api object:
export const api: PikaPI = {
// ...
And recieve IDE warnings if my api doesn't follow the pattern.
To achive rapidly generating the API, I can use the EndpointInitializer
type to quickly generate Endpoint
import {UserModel, OrderModel} from '../../data/modals'
import {baseUrl} from '../../config/auth'
import {mwsEndpointOptions} from '../../config/amazon/mws'
export const api: PikaPI = {
users: GenericCrudEndpoint<UserModel>({ endpoint: `${baseUrl}/'users'` }),
orders: AmazonMwsOrdersEndpoint<OrderModel>(mwsEndpointOptions.orders)
I wanted every part of the api to be flexible and extensible. To that end, every function takes a typed entity instead of a rigid list of params.
For example:
data: {
options: {
verboseLog: true // optional param that you would usually let default
as opposed to:
api.users.update(, { 'name': }, { verboseLog: true }})
Although the latter is shorter, I prefer the readability and extensibility of the former. And it's my package so I'll do what I want.