
Nodejs package to retrieve PV data from a Piko Kostal Inverter.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pikojs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pikojs';



Nodejs package to retrieve PV data from a Piko Kostal Inverter.

  • Due to the different html layouts provided by each inverter, this library will probably not work with your inverter. I do not mind adding support for additional inverters, just send me a message/email with an html page of your inverter so I can add it to the library.. Right now, the only inverter tested is the Piko 10.1.

  • Parsing using cheerio works only with network-fetched html pages. Currently Working on an offline version, so one can load in a local html.


~1.0.9: changed the object format for less redundancy

~1.0.5: corrected the css selectors for piko 10.1

~1.0.4: fixed some bugs and added full data export


npm i pikojs


var pikojs = require('pikojs');

var urlData = {
    hostname: "http://yourhostnamehere", // protocol + hostname(or LAN IP)
    port: " ", // external forwarded router port (or '80' if accessed on LAN)
    username: " ", // username for gui login. remove this property if default is 'pvserv'
    password: " " // password for gui login. remove this property if default is 'pvwr'

var piko = new pikojs(urlData);
var pvdata; // actual object with the PV data

piko.getData() // getData returns a Promise
    .then(data => {
        pvdata = data; // store Data to an object for later use

Tested on

  • Piko 10.1