A simple web component for Pilatch playing cards
From your command line
yarn add pilatch-card
yarn install --flat
In your HTML add polyfills, the helper this depends on, the HTML import and the stylesheet.
<script src="/node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/custom-elements-es5-adapter.js"></script>
<script src="/node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>
<script src="/node_modules/pilatch-card/dist/pilatch-card.es5.js"></script>
<pilatch-card rank="12" suit="rock" up></pilatch-card>
<pilatch-card rank="14" suit="scissors" known></pilatch-card>
<pilatch-card binary></pilatch-card>
Unknown cards are the simplest, just displaying the card-back. They are created without any HTML attributes.
Pilatch cards (other than binary cards) are grouped into three suits: rock
, paper
, and scissors
. Use the suit
HTML attribute and provide it one of those three values.
The suited Pilatch cards can have ranks between 1
and 15
, inclusive. Use the rank
HTML attribute and provide it a value in that range. 1
through 10
are numeric ranks. 11
is Jack. 12
is Queen. 13
is King. 14
is Ace. 15
is Joker.
To flip a card over, add or remove its up
HTML attribute. All ranked, suited Pilatch cards will appear with the same card back until an up
attribute is added.
Binary cards say "UP" on one side and "DOWN" on the other. Add the binary
HTML attribute to create one. Each binary card is DOWN by default. Add the up
HTML attribute to flip it.
To make a card have cursor: pointer
add the clickable
HTML element.
Clicking it won't do anything out-of-the-box.
Your application must decide how to handle those events, and attach event listeners to <pilatch-card>
If a player knows what a face-down card is, then add the known
HTML attribute to make the back-face translucent.
No Transition
To have cards instantaneously switch between their up and down sides, instead of using CSS transitions, add the no-transition
HTML attribute. This is especially useful when rearranging <pilatch-card>
elements in the DOM.
Read more on how that's helpful in this blog post on animating web components with virtual DOM.
For examples, clone this repository then run
yarn install
yarn start
...and navigate to http://localhost:3000
In the future this may depend on the web components v1 spec instead of v0. Pilatch cards may eventually use Shadow DOM when browser support/usage allows.