
pimatic plugin to use various 433mhz devices, sensors and more with an arduino.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pimaticHomeduinoDstDev from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pimatic-homeduino-dst-dev';



Plugin for using various 433mhz devices and sensors with a connected arduino with homeduino sketch or directly with capable hardware like the Raspberry Pi.

This plugins supports all 433mhz devices with rfcontroljs protocol implementations.


The plugin can be used with two differend hardware combinations:

  • A. Computer with connected arduino (with homeduino sketch) and 433mhz transmitter and receiver (recommended)
  • B. Raspberry Pi (or Banana Pi or Hummingboard) with 433mhz transmitter and receiver

A.Connected arduino (recommended)


You can load the plugin by editing your config.json to include:

  "plugin": "homeduino",
  "driver": "serialport",
  "driverOptions": {
    "serialDevice": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
    "baudrate": 115200
  "receiverPin": 0,
  "transmitterPin": 4

in the plugins section. For all configuration options see homeduino-config-schema

The pin numbers are arduino pin numbers. The receiverPin must be either 0 (INT0) or 1 (INT1). The transmitterPin can must bq a digitial pin between 2 (D2) and 13 (D13) .


B. Raspberry Pi with ATTiny45 / 85 Prefilter

You can load the plugin by editing your config.json to include:

  "plugin": "homeduino",
  "driver": "gpio",
  "driverOptions": {},
  "receiverPin": 0,
  "transmitterPin": 4

in the plugins section. For all configuration options see homeduino-config-schema

The pin numbers are wiringPi pin numbers.


Devices must be added manually to the device section of your pimatic config.

A list with all supported protocols and protocol-options can be found here.

weather-station sensor example:

This is the basic sensor with only temperature and humidity

  "id": "rftemperature",
  "name": "Temperature",
  "class": "HomeduinoRFTemperature",
  "protocols": [{
    "name": "weather2",
    "options": {
      "id": 42,
      "channel": 1

For weather stations like the Alecto WS-4500 you should use the weatherstation device

  "id": "weatherstation",
  "name": "Weather Data",
  "class": "HomeduinoRFWeatherStation",
  "protocols": [
      "name": "weather5",
      "options": {
        "id": 120
  "values": [

It supports different values to display rain, temperature, humidity, windGust, windDirection and avgAirspeed The order of the listed values define the order of the displayed values.

For protocol options see:

switch example:

  "id": "rfswitch",
  "name": "RFSwitch",
  "class": "HomeduinoRFSwitch",
  "protocols": [{
    "name": "switch1",
    "options": {
      "id": 42,
      "unit": 0

A switch (and other devcies) can be controled or send to outlets with multiple protocols. Just add more protocols to the protocols array. You can also set if a protocols is used for sending or receiving. Default is true for both.

Multi protocol switch example:

      "id": "switchmp",
      "name": "Multi Switch",
      "class": "HomeduinoRFSwitch",
      "protocols": [
          "name": "switch1",
          "options": {
            "id": 9509718,
            "unit": 0
          "send": true,
          "receive": true
          "name": "switch1",
          "options": {
            "id": 9509718,
            "unit": 1
          "send": false,
          "receive": true

DHT11/22 sensor example:

  "id": "homeduino-temperature",
  "name": "DHT",
  "class": "HomeduinoDHTSensor",
  "type": 22,
  "pin": 13

DST Dallas DS18B20 sensor example:

  "id": "homeduino-temperature-dst",
  "name": "DST",
  "class": "HomeduinoDSTSensor"

PIR sensor example:

  "id": "homeduino-pir",
  "name": "PIR",
  "class": "HomeduinoRFPir",
  "protocols": [{
    "name": "pir1",
    "options": {
      "unit": 0,
      "id": 17
  "resetTime": 6000

Contact sensor example:

  "id": "homeduino-contact",
  "name": "Contact",
  "class": "HomeduinoRFContactSensor",
  "protocols": [{
    "name": "contact1",
    "options": {
      "unit": 0,
      "id": 42

Some contact only emit an event on open, For this you can set autorReset to true:

  "id": "door-contact",
  "name": "door-Contact",
  "class": "HomeduinoRFContactSensor",
  "protocols": [
      "name": "contact2",
      "options": {
        "id": 43690
  "autoReset": true,
  "resetTime": 3000

Shutter sensor example:

Can use switch protocols.

  "id": "homeduino-contact",
  "name": "Shutter Controller",
  "class": "HomeduinoRFShutter",
  "protocols": [{
    "name": "switch1",
    "options": {
      "unit": 0,
      "id": 42

Generic RF Sensor with arduino sender

  "id": "homeduino-generic-sensor",
  "name": "RFGenericSensor",
  "class": "HomeduinoRFGenericSensor",
  "protocols": [{
    "name": "generic",
    "options": {
      "id": 42
  "attributes": [
      "name": "temperature",
      "type": 3,
      "decimals": 2,
      "baseValue": 0,
      "unit": "°C",
      "label": "Temperature"

Buttons Device example:

  "id": "homeduino-buttons",
  "name": "Buttons",
  "class": "HomeduinoRFButtonsDevice",
  "buttons": [
      "id": "test-button",
      "text": "test",
      "protocols": [{
        "name": "switch1",
        "options": {
          "unit": 0,
          "id": 42,
          "state": true

Dimmer device example:

  "id": "dimmer",
  "name": "Dimmer",
  "class": "HomeduinoRFDimmer",
  "protocols": [
      "name": "dimmer1",
      "options": {
        "id": 7654321,
        "unit": 0
      "send": true,
      "receive": true

pin switch example:

Only works with an arduino. pin: 13 = digital pin 13 (LED on arduino nano).

  "id": "pin-switch",
  "name": "Pin Switch",
  "class": "HomeduinoSwitch",
  "inverted": false,
  "pin": 13

AnalogSensor example:

A AnalogSensor can read analog pins of the arduino and display there value. An optional preprocessing can be applied. Pin numbering starts at 14 (A0) for the first analog pin.

  "id": "homeduino-analog-sensor",
  "name": "AnalogSensor",
  "class": "HomeduinoAnalogSensor",
  "attributes": [
      "name": "voltage",
      "unit": "V",
      "label": "Voltage",
      "pin": 14,
      "interval": 5000,
      "processing": "($value / 1023) * 5"

The analog value is between 0 and 1023 and can be preprocessed by an expression. In this example the value is scale to a value between 0 and 5.