pimatic max plugin
Plugin to control the MAX! Thermostat (
You can load the plugin by editing your config.json
to include (host = Max!Cube IP port=Max!Cube Port (default:62910)):
"plugin": "max",
"host": "192.168.X.X",
"port": 62910
Use the debug output in pimatic to find out the rfAddress of the devices. Sample debug output:
09:04:42.165 [pimatic-max] got update
09:04:42.168 [pimatic-max] { type: 'Heating Thermostat',
09:04:42.168 [pimatic-max]> address: '12345cf', <-- rfAddress
09:04:42.168 [pimatic-max]> serial: 'KEQ04116',
09:04:42.168 [pimatic-max]> name: 'Heizung',
09:04:42.168 [pimatic-max]> roomId: 1,
09:04:42.168 [pimatic-max]> comfortTemperature: 23,
09:04:42.168 [pimatic-max]> ecoTemperature: 16.5,
09:04:42.168 [pimatic-max]> maxTemperature: 30.5,
09:04:42.168 [pimatic-max]> minTemperature: 4.5,
09:04:42.168 [pimatic-max]> temperatureOffset: 3.5,
09:04:42.168 [pimatic-max]> windowOpenTemperature: 12,
09:04:42.168 [pimatic-max]> valve: 0,
09:04:42.168 [pimatic-max]> setpoint: 17,
09:04:42.168 [pimatic-max]> battery: 'ok',
09:04:42.168 [pimatic-max]> mode: 'manu' }
Thermostats can be defined by adding them to the devices
section in the config file.
Set the class
attribute to MaxHeatingThermostat
. For example:
"id": "BathroomHeatingThermostat",
"class": "MaxHeatingThermostat",
"name": "Bathroom Radiator",
"rfAddress": "12345cf",
"comfyTemp": 23.0,
"ecoTemp": 17.5,
The MaxWallThermostat device can be used to get the actual temperature from a MaxHeatingThermostat device.
MAX Wall Thermostats actual temperature (maybe more precise due location)
MAX Heating Thermostats actual temperature
Both MaxWallThermostat and MaxHeatingThermostat devices rfAddress can be used for actual temperature info:
"id": "BathroomThermostat",
"class": "MaxWallThermostat",
"name": "Bathroom Wall or Heat Thermostat",
"rfAddress": "12345cf"
For contact sensors add this config:
"id": "window-bathroom",
"class": "MaxContactSensor",
"name": "Bathroom Window",
"rfAddress": "12345df"