Pimatic reloaded plugin for controlling Nuki doorlocks. This plugin is a reloaded version of the pimatic-nuki plugin from mwittig.
The upgrades are:
- callback for lock events (instead of polling)
- button style lock and unlock in gui
- rules actions for locking and unlocking
- configurable adding of extra info fields
Plugin Configuration
"plugin": "nuki-reloaded",
"active": true,
"debug": false,
"host": "ip address of the bridge",
"port": <port number of the bridge, default:8881>,
"callbackPort": <portnumber for callback from the bridge, default: 12321>,
"token": "token from the bridge"
The callback is set on startup of the plugin. The Nuki bridge supports a maximum of 3 callbacks. When that number is exceeded you get an error message to remove callbacks from the bridge. The plugin retries 10 times every minute to create a callback. In that time you can delete 1 or more callbacks from the bridge. Please restart the plugin (pimatic) in any other case to be sure the callback is created.
Device Configuration
Use the "Discover Devices" function provided by pimatic to automatically discover and setup NukiDevices. Per NukiDevice following fixed attributes (device variables) are available:
state: if the lock is LOCKED or UINLOCKED
lock: the status of the lock
battery: whether the battery is at a crital level (<=20%)
You can add extra values/attributes provided by the Bridge. Under Infos in the device config, you can add the extra information fields.
name: The name for the value used by the Nuki Bridge. Must be exactly the same and is thus case sensitive
type: The type of the info attribute [string|boolean|number]
unit: The optional unit of the info attribute
acronym: The optional acronym of the info attribute
The extra info fields will also be available as normal device variables. To check what extra info your bridge is providing you can use a web browser with the following url:
http://<ip address bridge>:<port number bridge>/list?token=<your token>
The response with hold the usable values in the 'lastKnownState' object. This is a formatted example of the response you can get. The values mode, state, stateName and batteryCritical are already used. If the rest is of interest you can add it.
"lastKnownState": {
"mode": 2,
"state": 3,
"stateName": "unlocked",
"batteryCritical": false,
"batteryCharging": false,
"batteryChargeState": 74,
"doorsensorState": 2,
"doorsensorStateName": "door closed",
"timestamp": "2021-02-10T19:26:35+00:00"
Locks can be controlled via rules
The action syntax:
nuki <NukiDevice Id> [lock | unlock]
The minimum node requirement is node 10.x.
The plugin is in development. You could backup Pimatic before you are using this plugin!