SMS Integration with Pimatic. Supports Twilio and ThreeHK but new providers can be added.
Plugin Configuration
You can load the backend by editing your config.json
to include:
"plugin": "sms",
"provider": "twilio",
"fromNumber": "+112345689",
If you didn't want to specify the "to number" in every rule, you could set a global number in the config:
"toNumber": "+81239529"
Note: Even when this is set, it can still be overridden for each rule if needed.
Provider Configuration
Each provider requires different fields in the plugin config
"twilioAuthToken": "YOUR_TWILLIO_AUTH_TOKEN"
"threehkPassword": "YOUR_PASSWORD"
Note: Uses the fromNumber as your login number so only password is required
Depending on which provider you pick you will need to provide some additional properties as seen above with twilio*. You can see all available properties by looking at sms-config-schema.
SMS Provider Pricing
Each provider has different pricing, it's up to you to handle this! Some providers might be free depending on the from/to number.
Check with each company for a detailed analysis of their pricing. Most are setup in a pre-pay type arrangement, so you can keep an eye on your budget.
It can be used like any normal Pimatic rule
- if it is 08:00 send sms message "Good morning!" to number "+1888123456"
- if X then send sms message "X Happened" to number "+1888123456"
If you want to add a button in the interface just to trigger an SMS, you could add it in the 'devices' section of config.json
like so:
"id": "dummy-buttons",
"name": "Dummy Buttons",
"class": "ButtonsDevice",
"buttons": [
"id": "button1",
"text": "Send an SMS Message"
Then you would add a rule
when "button1" is pressed then send sms message "Good morning!" to number "+1888123456"
- Add Plivo SMS Provider
- Add Sinch SMS Provider
- Add Nexmo SMS Provider
Feel free to submit any pull requests or add functionality, I'm usually pretty responsive.
If you like the module, please consider donating some bitcoin or litecoin.