Pimatic module to get Uber ride info into your dashboard.
For now, the module just supports a Price and Time estimate from/to a fixed location you set. This plugin uses the node.js module note-uber to interact with the Uber API.
Using the Plugin
- First, install the plugin
npm install pimatic-uber
- Then you need to register as an Uber Developer.
- Once this is done, create a new app, it doesn't matter what you call it (I called mine 'Pimatic Uber'). You need to keep the Client Id, Client Secret and Server Token for the plugin configuration.
Since our app is for private use, we don't need to apply for permission from Uber.
Plugin Configuration
You can load the plugin by editing your config.json
to include:
"plugin": "uber",
"clientId": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
"clientSecret": "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET",
"serverToken": "YOUR_SERVER_TOKEN"
in the plugins
Device Configuration
Devices can be added by adding them to the devices
Array in the config file. Set the class
property to UberPriceEstimateDevice
For all device configuration options see the device-config-schema file.
Device examples
Uber Price Estimate Device
For getting your Latitude and Longitude you can use
Start Lat/Long is where you want your starting location to be (for example the location of your home). End Lat/Long is where you want to take the ride to (for example your work location)
sandbox mode sets whether to use the testing or live uber server.
"id": "uber-price-estimate",
"class": "UberPriceEstimateDevice",
"name": "Uber Price Estimate",
"start_longitude": -122.419416,
"start_latitude": 37.774929,
"end_longitude": -122.447906,
"end_latitude": 37.723052,
"sandbox": true
If you want to control which values are displayed, you can use the following:
"showSurge": true,
"showETA": true,
"showPrice": true
Creating a cache file
To work properly, the UberPriceEstimateDevice
requires a cache file which includes some information on which Uber Product IDs you want to track. See below for an example of Product IDs from Hong Kong:
"3922df1b-b837-4e95-b8d7-14ec806d1243": {
"name": "UberBlack",
"description": "Closest UberBLACK",
"currency": "HKD"
"e2300f8d-d24a-420e-afb8-0198c3989236": {
"name": "UberX",
"description": "UberX",
"currency": "HKD"
In future this part will be automatic.
- Automatically create the cache file from available products
- Add ability to order a ride from the web interface (how can I do this?)
- OAuth Client Authorization, how to handle this from our web interface? Additionally we need a web-server for callbacks, how can this fit into pimatic?
Feel free to submit any pull requests or add functionality, I'm usually pretty responsive.
If you like the module, please consider donating some bitcoin or litecoin.