
Pimatic UPnP Root-Device to advertise the Pimatic web interface on the Local Network

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pimaticUpnpRoot from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pimatic-upnp-root';



npm version

Pimatic UPnP Root-Device to advertise the Pimatic web interface on the Local Network. For example, this may be useful for Windows users as the Pimatic device will show in the network view. Double-clicking the device will open the web interface using the default web browser.

Network View


You can load the plugin by editing your config.json to include the following in the plugins section. The property presentationURL specifies the URL of the pimatic web interface. If not set, a fallback will bet set. The property 'friendlyName' set the friendly name of the device. It is set to "Pimatic Smart Home" by default. The property 'port' refers to the listener port of the UPnP peer to let other devices query the UPnP device description. The port is set to 8008 by default. Note, on first startup the plugin creates an unique identifier which will be stored as part of the configuration. A 'uuid' property will be added to the configuration file.

   "plugin": "upnp-root",
   "presentationURL": "http://raspberrypi.fritz.box",
   "friendlyName": "Pimatic Smart Home",
   "port": 8008


See GitHub Releases.


Copyright (c) 2018, Marcus Wittig and contributors

All rights reserved.
