Pimped Proxy is a comprehensive, simple, ES5+ compatible, lightweight (~2KB) and universal implementation of Proxy for JavaScript and TypeScript. It is not a replacement of the ES2015 Proxy object but it gives a simplest way to:
- lookup both simple properties and more complex paths
- transform data on the fly without altering objects
- flatten complex nested objects to a single level
- make aggregations (like arithmetical operations) on the fly
- create new full-proxy objects
- give an existing object the capability to proxy some properties
The easiest way is to install pimped-proxy
as dependency
npm install pimped-proxy --save
Proxy a list of properties
Creating a proxy will forward the target object properties
var Proxy = require('pimped-proxy');
var car = {
brand: 'Peugeot',
model: '308',
power: '112hp'
var carProxy = new Proxy(car, ['brand', 'model', 'power']);
console.log(`I bought a ${carProxy.brand} ${carProxy.model} of ${carProxy.power}`);
// Displays "I bought a Peugeot 308 of 112hp"
Updating a property on the target object will update it on the proxy
var car = {
brand: 'Peugeot',
model: '308',
power: '112hp'
var carProxy = new Proxy(car, ['brand', 'model', 'power']);
car.power = '250hp'
console.log(`I bought a ${carProxy.brand} ${carProxy.model} of ${carProxy.power}`);
// Displays "I bought a Peugeot 308 of 250hp"
Property proxying is two-way binding, then updating the proxy will update the target object
var car = {
brand: 'Peugeot',
model: '308',
power: '112hp'
var carProxy = new Proxy(car, ['brand', 'model', 'power']);
carProxy.brand = 'Renault';
carProxy.model = 'Clio';
console.log(`I bought a ${car.brand} ${car.model} of ${car.power}`);
// Displays "I bought a Renault Clio of 112hp"
If some properties are not specified, then they won't be overridden
var car = {
brand: 'Peugeot',
model: '308',
power: '112hp'
var carProxy = new Proxy(car, ['brand', 'model']);
console.log(`I bought a ${carProxy.brand} ${carProxy.model} of ${carProxy.power||'??'}`);
// Displays "I bought a Peugeot 308 of ??"
Proxy a list of paths
Proxying with a path will just retrieve the value from the target object after evaluation of the path
var car = {
brand: 'Peugeot',
model: '308',
engine: {
power: '112hp'
var carProxy = new Proxy(car, {
brand: 'brand',
model: 'model',
power: 'engine.power'
console.log(`I bought a ${carProxy.brand} ${carProxy.model} of ${carProxy.power}`);
// Displays "I bought a Peugeot 308 of 112hp"
Path resolution uses Lo-Dash like get and set methods.
Proxy a list of accessors
Defining getters are useful to tranform the data on the fly
var car = {
brand: 'Peugeot',
model: '308',
power: '112hp'
var carProxy = new Proxy(car, {
brand: {
get: function (value) {
return value
model: {
get: function (value) {
return value + ' GTI'
power: {
get: function (value) {
return '270hp'
console.log(`I bought a ${carProxy.brand} ${carProxy.model} of ${carProxy.power}`);
// Displays "I bought a Peugeot 308 GTI of 270hp"
Creating setters give the possibility to dynamically alter the target object
var car = {
brand: 'Peugeot',
model: '308',
power: '112hp'
var carProxy = new Proxy(car, {
brand: {
set: (value) => {
return String(value).toUpperCase()
model: {
set: (value) => {
return value + ' GTI'
power: {
set: (value) => {
return '270hp'
carProxy.brand = 'Renault';
carProxy.model = 'Clio';
carProxy.power = '140hp';
console.log(`I bought a ${car.brand} ${car.model} of ${car.power}`);
// Displays "I bought a RENAULT Clio GTI of 270hp"
Other examples
Mix the ways to proxy
var car = {
brand: 'Peugeot',
model: '308',
engine: {
power: '270hp'
var carProxy = new Proxy(car, {
brand: 'brand',
model: {
get: function (value) {
return value + ' GTI'
power: 'engine.power'
console.log(`I bought a ${carProxy.brand} ${carProxy.model} of ${carProxy.power}`);
// Displays "I bought a Peugeot 308 GTI of 270hp"
Transform an existing object into a Proxy
var existingCar = {
name: 'MyCar',
power: '250hp'
var car = {
brand: 'Peugeot',
model: '308',
power: '112hp'
Proxy.lookup(existingCar, car, ['brand', 'model']);
console.log(`I bought a ${carProxy.brand} ${carProxy.model} of ${carProxy.power} and I called it ${}`);
// Displays "I bought a Peugeot 308 of 250hp and I called it MyCar"
In TypeScript?
import { Proxy } from 'pimped-proxy'
const car: ICar = {
brand: 'Peugeot',
model: '308',
power: '112hp'
const carProxy: ICar = <ICar> new Proxy(car, ['brand', 'model', 'power'])
console.log(`I bought a ${carProxy.brand} ${carProxy.model} of ${carProxy.power}`)
// Displays "I bought a Peugeot 308 of 112hp"
And in the browser?
<script src="pimped-proxy/dist/proxy.browser.js"></script>
var car = {
brand: 'Peugeot',
model: '308',
power: '112hp'
var carProxy = new Proxy(car, ['brand', 'model', 'power']);
console.log(`I bought a ${carProxy.brand} ${carProxy.model} of ${carProxy.power}`);
// Displays "I bought a Peugeot 308 of 112hp"
Code licensed under MIT License.