
A pin subscriptions (formerly Spreedly) client library for Node.js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pinSubscriptionsNode from '';



This is a node.js module for http:// Payments API. It aims to be compatible with API v4 - https://


npm install pin-subscriptions-node


var Pin = require("pin-subscriptions-node").Pin;
var cli = new Pin( site_name, api_key );

Handling errors

Every operation that takes a callback, except of

- getSubscriptionPlans( callback )
- getTransactions( since, callback )
- testSite_deleteSubscribers( callback )
- testSite_deleteSubscriber( subscriber_id, callback )

calls the callback with max two arguments. First argument is always an error object. Every error object contains at least a code field and may but not must contain a text description of the error under a message field.

What's different from the API

There is 1 implementation detail that differs from the original Payments API.

  • fields use _ instead of - ; for example: customer_id instead of customer-id ; these are automatically translated to the correct format while constructing the XML ; this was implemented to simplify properties access

Sample app

var Pin = require("pin-subscriptions-node").Pin
    util = require("util");

var cli = new Pin(site_name, api_key);
var subscriber = { customer_id: 100, screen_name: "some name", email: "" };
cli.getSubscriptionPlans( function(result) {
    var plans = result;
    cli.createSubscriber( subscriber, function( error, result ) {
        if ( !error ) {
            cli.raiseInvoice( plans[0].id, subscriber, function( error, invoice ) {
                if ( !error ) {
                    cli.payWithCreditCard( invoice.token, { … }, { … }, function( error, invoice ) {
                        if ( !error ) {
                            util.puts("Payment went through.");
                        } else {
                            util.puts("Error while putting a payment through: " + error.code + " :: " + error.message);
    } );
} );


Apache License, Version 2.0