
Pincer is a recursive static file server that serves content-types correctly and logs nicely.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pincer from '';


PinCer stands for "Puny Server". Yes, I know.

PinCer is a recursive static file server that serves content-types correctly and logs nicely that runs on Node.js.

Its primary purpose is iteratively developing and debugging entirely static websites.

(Don't use PinCer in production environments.).

Usage Examples

Serve the current directory @ localhost:8000:

$ pincer

Serve the directory WEBROOT @ localhost:8000:

$ pincer [WEBROOT]

Serve the directory /var/www @

$ CWDP=/var/www HOSTP= PORTP=8080 pincer

CWDP defaults to the current directory.

HOSTP defaults to localhost.

PORTP defaults to 8000.

N.B.: The WEBROOT argument takes precedence over the CWDP environment variable, if both are specified.

Show pincer's help message:

$ pincer [ --help | -h | --h ]

Show the current version of pincer:

$ pincer [ --version | -v | --v ]


$ sudo npm install -g pincer

Why does this exist?

Because I was tired of writing the same static file server over and over again. Serving static files with express.js is nice, but it's like killing a bug with a forest fire.

pincer ins one-file small (~100 lines, excluding dependencies) and has super sane defaults.


  • Recursive static file serving.
  • Serves Content-Types based on file extension (defaulting to text/plain if non-existent, or unknown)
  • Logs requested server route, and the correspondingly served file.
    • Logs file serving errors as well (non-existent file, etc.).
  • Serves files with the utf-8 charset.
  • One-file (~100 lines, excluding dependencies) small, so super extensible.