Pinecone Logger
Small and fast logger, full of seeds!
const logger = require('pinecone-logger').new({ name: 'testLogger' });'Hello world!'); //Outputs: "[<date>] [INFO] TESTLOGGER - Hello world!"
logger.log('Some standard log.'); //Outputs: "Some standard log."
Default levels are inspired by log4j levels.
LEVEL | Color | Description |
Fatal | Red BG | Severe errors that cause premature termination. |
Error | Red | Other runtime errors or unexpected conditions. |
Warn | Yellow | Use of deprecated APIs, poor use of API, 'almost' errors, other runtime situations that are undesirable or unexpected, but not necessarily "wrong". |
Success | Green | Successful events, completion of long tasks. |
Info | Cyan | Interesting runtime events (startup/shutdown). |
Debug | Magenta | Detailed information on the flow through the system. |
Trace | Blue | Most detailed information. |
Several options are available to customize the logger.
const errLogger = require('pinecone-logger').apply({
name: 'errorLevelLogger',
nameTransform: false,
showDate: false,
level: 'error' //same as 1
});'Hello world!'); //Outputs nothing, "info" is higher than "error".
errLogger.error('Some error!'); //Outputs: "[ERROR] errorLevelLogger - Some error!"
Option | Default | Description |
level | "debug" | Maximum log level to process and print. |
name | "" | Can be set to improve log readability. |
nameColor | "grey" | Ansi color of the name. |
nameTransform | "uppercase" | Tranforms the name to uppercase or lowercase. |
dateFormat | "UTC" or "D MMM YYYY, HH:mm:ss.SSS Z" | Defines date format, requires "moment" for custom formats, only "UTC", "ISO" and "millis" are available otherwise. |
separator | "-" | Separator to use between log informations and log value. |
colorObjects | true | Enables standard utils.inpect() object coloration. |
disableColors | false | Disables all colors. |
inspectDepth | 3 | Defines utils.inpect() depth. |
showDate | true | Shows or hides date information. |
showLevel | true | Shows or hides level information. |
showName | true | Shows or hides name information. |
ellipsisAt | 64 | Ellipsis default max length. |
maxLength | 0 | Max log length, if a log is longer ellipsis will be used. |
output | null | Offers a single output solution for both stdout and stderr, is ignored if any of stdout and stderr are defined. |
stdout | process.stdout | Stdout, can be any writable stream, function, a string ("console", "stderr", "stdout") or an object with .write(chunk: string |
stderr | process.stderr | Stderr, can be any writable stream, function, a string ("console", "stderr", "stdout") or an object with .write(chunk: string |
noLog | false | Disables .log() method outputs. |
type | "string" | Can be both "string" or "json", if json log will be sent to any output as a JSON object. |
secretMask | "*" | Mask or Replacement Char for secrets, default *. |
secretLevel | "debug" | Required level for secrets to be visible. |
secretMaxLength | false | Limits the number of chars for masked secrets to improve readability. |
Secrets help hiding sensible information while in production.
const infoLogger = require('pinecone-logger').new({
name: 'infoLogger',
level: 'info'
const debugLogger = require('pinecone-logger').new({
name: 'debugLogger',
level: 'debug'
const user = "foo";
const password = "bar123!";
const secret = infoLogger.secret(password);
const iterableSecret = infoLogger.secret([, 'User:', user,, 'Password:', password], { iterable: true , mask: '' });
// When the secret is a single argument it is resolved while the log is processed by the logger.'User', user, 'logged in with password:', secret); //Outputs: "User foo logged in with password *******".'User', user, 'logged in with password:', secret); //Outputs: "User foo logged in with password bar123!".
// String concatenation resolves the secret before the processing instead, so, if logger level < secret level, secret will be masked.'User ' + user + ' logged in with password: ' + secret); //Outputs: "User foo logged in with password *******".'User ' + user + ' logged in with password: ' + secret); //Outputs: "User foo logged in with password *******".
console.log('User ' + user + ' logged in with password: ' + secret); //Outputs: "User foo logged in with password *******".'User ' + user + ' logged in with password: ' + debugLogger.secret(password)); //Outputs "User foo logged in with password bar123!" since both debugLogger and secret levels are "debug".
// Iterable returns an array of secrets. Mask replaces the default '*'.'New user logged in.', ...iterableSecret); //Outputs: "New user logged in.".'New user logged in.', ...iterableSecret); //Outputs: "New user logged in.\n - User: foo \n - Password: bar123!".
Timers help visualizing how long is a given task. Timers are accessible from any logger from .timers property.
Logger .timers methods
Method | Args | Description |
new() | name (string, optional) | Creates new timer. |
get() | name (string) or id (number) | Finds Timer by name or id. |
start() | name (string) or id (number) | Finds and starts a timer. |
stop() | name (string) or id (number) | Finds and stops a timer. |
resolve() | name (string) or id (number) | Finds and resolves a timer. |
valueOf() | name (string) or id (number) | Finds and returns the value of a timer. |
Timer object
Property | Description |
id | Returns timer id. |
value | Returns timer value. |
Method | Description |
start() | Starts the timer. |
stop() | Stops the timer. Can be resumed with "start()" |
resolve() | Resolves the timer. |
By resolving a timer its value will be returned and the timer itself will be deleted. Use "value" and "valueOf" to access value without stopping or destroying the timer.
const logger = require('pinecone-logger').apply({ name: 'testLogger' });
const timer = logger.timers.start('timer1');
setTimeout(() => { // Waits 500ms
const value = timer.value;
logger.log('Testing timer after 500ms: ' + value.pretty + '(' + value + 'ms).');
// Outputs "Testing timer after 500ms: 500ms (500ms).".
logger.log('Pausing timer for 200ms');
timer.stop(); // Stops timer.
setTimeout(() => {
logger.timers.start('timer1'); // Starts timer by name.
}, 200);
}, 500);
setTimeout(() => { // Waits 1400ms
const value = logger.timers.resolve(timer.toString()); // Resolves timer by id
logger.log("Resolving timer after 1400ms, paused for 200ms: " + value.pretty + '(' + value + 'ms).');
// Outputs "Resolving timer after 1400ms, paused for 200ms: 1s 200ms (1200ms).".
// Timer counted only 1200ms as it was stopped for 200ms.
}, 1400);
Title allows fast creation of standard titles.
Title accepts a string, for single-line titles, or an array of strings, for multi-line titles.
Three types are available:
-- This is a type 0 title --
-- Aligned left --
|-- This is a type 1 title --|
|-- Aligned right --|
/-- This is a type 2 title ---/
/--- Aligned center --/
logger.title(title: string | string[], options?: object)
Option | Default | Description |
char | "-" | Frame char. |
type | 0 | Type of title. Can be 0, 1 or 2. |
sideChar | "|", "/" | Side char(s). Available only for type 1 and 2. |
side | 2 | Represents how many "char" will be placed on text line sides. |
color | false | Text color. |
frameColor | false | Frame color. |
align | "left" | Multi-line text alignment. Can be "rignt", "left" or "center". |
const logger = require('pinecone-logger').new({ name: 'titleLogger' });
logger.log(logger.title('Single line title'));
// -----------------------
// -- Single line title --
// -----------------------
logger.log(logger.title(['Multi line', '', 'Title'], { char: '=', type: 1, align: 'center', sideChar: '||', side: 0 }));
// ||============||
// || Multi line ||
// || ||
// || Title ||
// ||============||
Ellipsis trims strings over a given length and places '...' (or else) at the end.
logger.ellipsis(input: string, length?: number, replacement?: string);
const logger = require('pinecone-logger').new({ name: 'titleLogger' });
logger.log(logger.ellipsis('1234567890', 6)); // 123...
logger.log(logger.ellipsis('1234567890', 6, ';')); // 12345;
Groups can spread logs to multiple loggers with a single call.
logger.newGroup(...members: Logger[]);
group.add(members: Logger);
group.remove(member: number|Logger);
const loggerParent = require('pinecone-logger');
const loggerChild1 = require('pinecone-logger').new({ name: 'GroupMember1' });
const loggerChild2 = require('pinecone-logger').new({ name: 'GroupMember2' });
loggerParent.apply({ name: 'GroupLeader', level: 'info' });'I\'ll be the group leader, my level is', loggerParent.level );'I\'ll be the group member 1, my level is', loggerChild1.level );'I\'ll be the group member 2, my level is', loggerChild2.level );
const loggerGroup = loggerParent.newGroup(loggerChild1);'This is from a group, should be printed twice.');
loggerGroup.debug('This is also from a group, but should only be printed once from member 1 as leader level is "info".');
loggerGroup.success('New logger added to group.', 'This should be printed three times.');
loggerGroup.warn('All members removed from group.', 'This should be printed once.');
Global loggers can be accessed anywhere.
// file 1
const globalLogger = require('pinecone-logger').new({ global: 'global-1' });
// file 2
const logger = require('pinecone-logger').globals.get('global-1');