
Ping routes for node.js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pingRoutes from '';



Ping routes for node.js


var pingRoutes = require("ping-routes");


pingRoutes({ app: app, sysinfo: true, mongo: true, file: true, redis: { port: 1337, //your redis port url: "yourRedisUrl", pass: "yourRedisPass" } });

where app is an express application.

With the configuration above, the pingRoutes function will add the following routes to your app:

  • /ping
    • The response of this should be PONG. (with text/plain content type).
  • /ping/sysinfo
    • This route uses express-ping.
  • /ping/mongo
    • The response of this should be PONG. (with text/plain content type).
    • Queryies an empty collection in MongoDB through the default connection.
  • /ping/file
    • The response of this should be PONG. (with text/plain content type).
    • Writes 4 bites to a file, reads and deletes it.
  • /ping/redis
    • The response of this should be PONG. (with text/plain content type).
    • Queryies a non existing hash from redis.