
Ping Network Scanner

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pingScanner from '';



A ping based network scanner.


The package exports a Scanner class that can be imported like this:

import Scanner from 'ping-scanner'

Scanner({ networks, hosts, concurrent, timeout })

Creates a new Scanner instance. The following arguments are supported:

  • networks: An iterable object that contains strings of networks in CIDR notation that should be scanned. By default, all known ipv4 networks are used.
  • hosts: An iterable object that contains strings of IP addresses that should be scanned. By default, the list of hosts is derived from the networks argument.
  • concurrent: The number of pings that run in parallel. The default value is 32.
  • timeout: Timeout for each ping scan in milliseconds. The value is rounded to the next higher full second value. The default value is 2000.

async scan()

Starts a scan as defined by the constructor arguments. It returns a Map with the host as key and a boolean alive value.

Event: start

This event is emitted before a new scan.

Event: end

This event is emitted after a scan.

Event: scan(host)

This event is emitted for each host before pinging the host.

Event: alive(host)

This event is emitted if the host is alive.

Event: timeout(host)

This event is emitted if the host could not be reached.