
Basic HTTP/s Health check library.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pingcheck from '';



  • NodeJS >= 12


PingCheck is basic HTTP(s) JSON API that provides easy way to set service health status. It is configurable and it support's both HTTP and HTTPS protocols. Binding to custom address is supported, as well as port on which server should listen. Also- custom path on which health check endpoint should listen is supported.

This library relies on singletop pattern, therefor everyting that is done is related to same class, and is accessed via static methods/properties.

NOTE: This only provides current data, historical values are not yet implemented.


Using HTTP

const PingCheck = require('pingcheck');

    .then(() => { console.log('Server listening') })

This example will start server with default configurations. Default address: http://localhost:8080/health


const PingCheck = require('pingcheck');

const options = {
    keyPath: '/path/to/ssl/key.key',
    certificatePath: '/path/to/ssl/certificate.pem',
    passphrase: 'custom key passphrase',

    .then(() => { console.log('Server listening') })

In example aboce, we provide only SSL certificate, therefor default address will be used. Default address: https://localhost:8080/health

Protected Endpoint

const PingCheck = require('pingcheck');

const options = {
    secret: 'MY_SECRET',

    .then(() => { console.log('Server listening') })

To protect endpoint You can provide secret property to PingCheck.initialize options. Providing secret makes endpoint locked behind that secret, which will require client to send either header x-check-secret that matches provided secret, or query parameter checkSecret also matching secret parameter.

NOTE: This is most basic protection

One of possible way to access following example is by using query paraeter checkSecret Address: http://localhost:8080/health?checkSecret=MY_SECRET

Initialize options

  • (default='localhost')
    • Address on which server is listening
  • options.port (default=8080)
    • Port on which server is listening
  • options.path (default='/health')
    • Path on which health status is served.
  • options.secret (default=null)
    • API Secret used to prevent access to unknowns.
  • options.key (default=null)
    • SSL Key (required for HTTPS)
  • options.certificate (default=null)
    • SSL Certificate
  • options.keyPath (default=null, ignored if options.key is set)
    • Path to SSL key file
  • options.certificatePath (default=null, ignored if options.certificate is set)
    • Path to SSL certificate file.
  • options.passphrase (default=null)
    • Custom passphrase for SSL certificate

Health Notifier

In order for API to provide proper or any data, some parts of Your application/service/script MUST trigger PingCheck.notify method. PingCheck.notify can be used to notify rest server about state of specific service.

There is always service called default and its used when we want to notify on "global" level. For sub-grouping we can provide custom service identifier when notifying.

Notify Global

const PingCheck = require('pingcheck');

// This will set global (default) Ok status, without message.

// This will set global (default) health status to "warning" with provided message.
  status: PingCheck.Status.Warning,
  message: 'High load',

Notify as specific service

const PingCheck = require('pingcheck');

// This will set service "users" health status to "warning" with provided message.
PingCheck.notify('users', {
  status: PingCheck.Status.Warning,
  message: 'High load',

Notify health status with expiration time

const PingCheck = require('pingcheck');

// This will set service "users" health status to "warning" with provided message and expiration time.
PingCheck.notify('users', {
  status: PingCheck.Status.Warning,
  message: 'High load',
  expiration: '2020-03-24 23:59:59',

NOTE: This status will be valid as long as check time is less than expiration. In case that state has expired last "non-expiring" state is used. In case that there is no previous "non-expiring" state, status "error" without message is used.