
A npm package for an awesome ping pong nickname

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pingpongNickname from '';


Build Status npm version


A npm package for an awesome ping pong nickname

Getting Started

Create a new instance of PingPongNickname passing the configuration options and optional default request options:

var PingPongNickname = require('pingpong-nickname');

var pingPongNickname = new PingPongNickname({ host: '', port: 3000, protocol: 'http' }, { auth: { user: 'user', pass: 'pass', sendImmediately: true } });

The client must be created with a host or an error will be thrown.

Using the client

Call pingPongNickname.nickname(callback) with the following parameters:

@param {function} callback A callback function. Will be sent the following params:
    @param {string} error An error
    @param {object} response The server response
    @param {object} body The body of the response

An example:

// Get a new nickname
pingPongNickname.nickname(function(error, response, body) {
    if (error) {
    } else {


Unit tests

To run all unit tests within the package run:

npm test

Code Style / Lint Checks

To run jshint and jscs checks within the package run:

npm run lint