
Pingu prevents all your Heroku dynos from sleeping.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pingu from '';



Pingu is a tiny little Heroku app pinger that prevents your dynos from falling asleep.

Kinda like that horrible guard guy on Reykjavik airport.


Usage (recommended)

  1. Clone pingu. Run npm install.

  2. Create a pingu user.

  3. Save your Heroku API token somewhere in pingu user's ${HOME} and make sure you limit access (only make it readable by pingu)! You can source it in your pingu user ~/.bashrc file.

  4. Create a Cron job that runs pingu and pass it the Heroku token. Something like:

     */30 * * * * HEROKU_API_KEY=${HEROKU_API_KEY} ${HOME}/pingu/node_modules/.bin/coffee ${HOME}/pingu
  5. PROFIT!