Pinterest Exporter
This is a simple tool to create a local backup of your Pinterest pins. It downloads the original pinned image and optionally saves all available information.
npm install -g pinterest-exporter
Go to the Pinterest Token generator, create a new token and pass it to this tool as an argument.
pinterest-exporter <TOKEN>
Output Folder
Per default your pins will get saved in a new subfolder of the current directory, named "boards"
. Using -o
you can specify a custom path:
pinterest-exporter <TOKEN> -o ../MyPinterestPins/
Save Additional Information
Per default only the image of your pins get saved. When the option -s
is passed to the tool, a JSON-file while be created for each pin, containing additional data on the pin, such as the creation date and the link to the page the pin was saved from.
pinterest-exporter <TOKEN> -s
Verbose Mode
Per default the tool only notifies you when it has finished downloading all pins from a board. When the option -v
is passed to the tool, it will print a log after every pin that has been downloaded.
pinterest-exporter <TOKEN> -v
Running Pinterest-Exporter as a Cronjob
Since pinterest-exporter only downloads new pins running it as a cronjob is a good way to get continous backups. To set it up as a cronjob that runs every day at 11:00, run crontab -e
and enter this:
0 11 * * * /usr/local/bin/pinterest-exporter -s -o /AbsolutePath/To/BackupFolder <Token>