Address Book Sorting Tool based on pinyin4js
Note: Only Node is supported at this time
Contact Group Sorting Tool
Convenient for use in contacts
Grouped by initials, optional 26 letters, the same letter automatically sorts the next oneAccurate and complete font
Unicode encoding from 20903 Chinese characters in the range of 4E00-9FA5 and 3007 (〇), pinyin4js can convert all Chinese characters except 46 variant word (the variant word does not exist in standard pinyin)Pinyin conversion speed is fast
After testing, 20902 Chinese characters from 4E00-9FA5 range, pinyin4js takes about 110 millisecondsMulti-pinyin format output support
Support multiple pinyin output formats: with phonetic symbols, without phonetic symbols, digital representation phonetic symbols, and pinyin initials output formatCommon multi-phonetic recognition
Support the recognition of common polyphonic words, including phrases, idioms, place names, etc.Simplified and Traditional Chinese Conversion
How to use
npm install pinyin2group
//pinyin2group@1.1.0 or latest
import { Pinyin2Group } from './Pinyin2Group';
// more detail methods in test
// output: [ { letter: 'A', wordsList: [] },
// { letter: 'B', wordsList: [] },
// { letter: 'C', wordsList: [] },
// ...
// { letter: 'W', wordsList: [] },
// { wordsList: [ [Object] ], letter: 'X' },
// { letter: 'Y', wordsList: [] },
// { letter: 'Z', wordsList: [] } ]
console.log(new Pinyin2Group().groupByFirstLetter([{ word: '厦门你好大厦厦门' }]));
// output: [ { wordsList: [ [Object] ], letter: 'X' } ]
console.log(new Pinyin2Group().groupByFirstLetter([{ word: '厦门你好大厦厦门' }], { hasFullLetter: false }));
// output: xiamennihaodashaxiamen
console.log(new Pinyin2Group().getPinyinWithoutTone('厦门你好大厦厦门'));
console.log(new Pinyin2Group().getPinyinWithoutTone('厦门你好大厦厦门', { isUppercase: true }));
// output: xia men ni hao da sha xia men
console.log(new Pinyin2Group().getPinyinWithoutTone('厦门你好大厦厦门'), { separator: ' ' });