
Pioneer Marionette Widgets

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pioneerMarionette from '';



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Widget.View is a utility class intended to make working with Marionette.js easier. It extends from the Widget class so you have a very similar interface with a few new things.

An example of the a Widget.View is as follows:

  MarionetteView = this.Widget.View.extend({
    regionPath: 'MyRegion',
    appPath: "AppName"

  return new MarionetteView().ui("wow")
    return element.getText().should.eventually.equal("amaze");


npm i pioneer.marionette



Widget.View takes two additional params to allow you to hook into your view implementaiton on the client.


Region path is the location of the region within you application. regionPath is required when making a new Widget.View. It supports deeply nested views using a dot deliminated syntax. FooRegion.BarRegion.ZapRegion which is expanded internally to be FooRegion.currentView.BarRegion.currentView.ZapRegion.

MarionetteView = this.Widget.View.extend({
  regionPath: 'MyRegion.NestedRegion.AmazingRegion'


App Path is the location of how to get to your application that stores your regions. By default appPath is window which will lookup your regions on the global scope, however you can scope this lookup by the appPath.

MarionetteView = this.Widget.View.extend({
  regionPath: 'MyRegion.NestedRegion.AmazingRegion',
  appPath: 'window.secret.MyApp'


The .ui method on Widget.View allows you to hook into any UI hash keys that you have defined on your Marionette.View.

It takes a string that will be used for the lookup, the resulting value is a WebElement instance.

Given the following Marionette.ItemView

  template: _.template("<borg>the borg</borg><assimilate>like to eat cheerios</assimilate>"),
  ui: {
    "assimilate": "assimilate",
    "borg": "borg"

You can interact with it via the Widget.View through the following widget.

return new this.Widget.View({
  regionPath: "myRegion"
  return elm.getText().should.eventually.eql("the borg")