Extensible help page
Any non-trivial application contains complex functionality. To use it effectively, user may need extra help. Pip.WebUI.Help module implements extensible help page that can be filled with tabs by application developers. Each tab may contain help information on various topics
pipHelp provider
pipHelp provider allows to configure Help page and fill it with tabs.
state: 'custom',
title: 'Custom tab',
auth: true,
stateConfig: {
url: '/custom',
templateUrl: 'help_custom_tab.html'
Help page
Help page implemented as extensible container that can be filled with content tabs. It can navigated to using help state or /#help route.
Todo: Replace the image with more realistic help content

Learn more about the module
- User's guide
- Online samples
- API reference
- Developer's guide
- Changelog
- Pip.WebUI project website
- Pip.WebUI project wiki
- Pip.WebUI discussion forum
- Pip.WebUI team blog
Module dependencies
- pip-webui-lib: angular, angular material and other 3rd party libraries
- pip-webui-css: CSS styles and web components
- pip-webui-core: localization and other core services
- pip-webui-layouts: document layout
- pip-webui-nav: navigation dropdown
This module is released under MIT license and totally free for commercial and non-commercial use.