
Extensible settings page for Pip.WebUI

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pipWebuiSettings from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pip-webui-settings';


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Extensible settings page

Settings page allows users to set their preferences and change application settings. Pip.WebUI.Settings module implements extensible settings page that can be filled with tabs by application developers. The module also contains few standard tabs for basic user info and active sessions.

pipSettings provider

pipSettings provider allows to configure Settings page and fill it with standard or custom tabs.

    state: 'custom',
    title: 'Custom tab',
    auth: true,
    stateConfig: {
        url: '/custom',
        templateUrl: 'custom_tab.html'

Learn more about the module

Module dependencies


This module is released under MIT license and totally free for commercial and non-commercial use.