
Product support pages for Pip.WebUI

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pipWebuiSupport from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pip-webui-support';


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Product support pages

Maintaining bi-directional communication with users is critical for product success. It may include showing announces about new product releases, collecting feedback from users, conducting surveys to clarify users problems and needs.

Pip.WebUI.Support module implements pages to enable user support in Enterprise applications. In the current version it only contains Feedback page. But there are plans to add more in the upcoming releases.

In Addition to open communication mechanisms, the module supports integration with Google Analytics to collect information on users behaviors in background.

Users Feedback

The Feedback is available as a panel, that can be embedded into your custom page, as page and as dialog. It lets users to send to support team messages with their feedback, ideas or report various issues. It requires presence of users and feedbacks REST API.

pipAnalytics service

The service allows to track user actions and reports them to Google Analytics. Page transitions are tracked automatically when pipAnalytics module is registered in the application. To track various events like clicks, scroll to certain position, etc. developer shall explicitely call event method.

angular.module('myApp', [..., 'pipAnalytics']);
// Todo: show how to track events

Learn more about the module

Module dependencies


This module is released under MIT license and totally free for commercial and non-commercial use.